Allard's guiding light Organization in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Allard's guiding light

A thoughtless throw away comment of little significance by a King's aid leads to a burgeoning Cult starting out in Bannockthorpe


It all centres around a few key moments in recent history.
1. Allard survived an assasination plot, barely. However, all the rest of his family, except his second son Aytor were killed. Aytor goes missing.
2. The King died only after hearing of the successful defence of Pont. Leading to a reference to him holding on for victory before taking his seat "at the table of the gods" in his eulogy.
3. Starting with a few small groups at first, the basis was that Allard was another of the Gods who walked among us, only he did so recently.
Founding Date
04 Ashay 1256
Religious, Cult
Predecessor Organization
Ruling Organization