Brett Lane Character in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Brett Lane

Sergeant Brett Lane (a.k.a. The Collector)

Brett has lived a lifetime in the military.
Born to the streets of Mirthstone, a skinny little urchin of 9 or 10 was unapologetically drafted into the military - he started out as a drummer boy, a terrible drummer boy.

But a survivor.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Whilst not a large man there is something "solid" to his appearance.
He appears agile for his years.

A robust older fighter

Body Features

Several scars on his body, he has fought many a battle.

Facial Features

Ruddy faced no doubt influenced by his intake of Rum. He wavers between cleanly shaven, around his Goatee at least and hair pulled back to unshaven hair out...on the bad days.

Identifying Characteristics

Stand out would be his red/black uniform and/or his red/gold armour...
A shock of white hair also stands out in some crowds.

Special abilities

Honour Rite Second Wind

Apparel & Accessories

Until now, Brett has never had an actual uniform besides his old green and cream tabbard. Brett now sports and red company uniform jacket and breeches including his battle kit red black and gold armoured gorget and pauldrens, red and gold steel braces and a sturdy leather armour vest.
And his black leather helm with chain aventail.

Specialized Equipment

Sword, Axe and Shield

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The army had been almost all Brett had known from around the age of 9 or 10. Parentless street urchins, usually unwanted bastards were not uncommon in the city slum areas. Brett was given the name "Lane" as a description of where he was pressed into service.

For some military duty was a hardship or an imposition - to Brett and some of his comrades in arms this was their first experience of a regular bed to sleep in and regular meals. The hard work and training was neither here nor there.

Brett grew to despise his drum - he was a terrible drummer and no amount of being kicked, yelled at, slapped or thumped was going to change that any time soon.

It was ironic that his drum contributed to his nick name - he won his first fight in a battle, killing an enemy fighter with his dirk - and drum it had to be said. Of course as a bludgeoning device - his music was not that bad.

Brett "collected" his first 'kit' from his fallen opponent, whilst most of it still a bit too large, before long Brett would grow into most of it.

He eventually had collected a modest stash of loot and items, and a full battle kit.
Early fights were mostly minor border skirmishers, often so the Hadovean lands could expand into the contested areas.

An extremely unfortunate turn of events in one of the few early encounters with Hadovean battle packs Brett found himself taken captive. A whole story in that.

Suffice to say, after almost a year he managed to escape the clutches of his captors and make his way back to Hadovean territories with some assistance along the way from the "savages", none of whom seemed savage to Brett.

This was his first visit to Doomsayer's Keep during this journey.
Brett continued his service until early 1253, it had been decades and he had earned a rest. He sought leave and it was duly granted and Brett retired, at first.

A short lived retirement was broken by a decision to take on some mercinary work. Brett then led a lifestyle of fighting/adventuring for pay, then drinking, eating and spraying the money away in other pursuits. Drunken brawls were not uncommon.

He briefly considered rejoining the Empire army to sort himself out when he responded to a pamphlet he read about a mercinary group recruiting. He was more curious than really tempted, however, upon first meeting it seemed to be mutually a good fit.

At the time of writing, Brett is a sergeant in the ranks of the Red Company - one of their front line fighters.

He still has bouts of drinking and brawling.


The army had been almost all Brett had known from around the age of 9 or 10. Parentless street urchins, usually unwanted bastards were not uncommon in the city slum areas. Brett was given the name "Lane" as a description of where he was pressed into service.
For some military duty was a hardship or an imposition - to Brett and some of his comrades in arms this was their first experience of a regular bed to sleep in and regular meals. The hard work and training was neither here nor there.
Brett grew to despise his drum - he was a terrible drummer and no amount of being kicked, yelled at, slapped or thumped was going to change that any time soon.

  It was ironic that his drum contributed to his nick name - he won his first fight in a battle, killing an enemy fighter with his dirk - and drum it had to be said. Of course as a bludgeoning device - his music was not that bad.

Brett "collected" his first 'kit' from his fallen opponent, whilst most of it still a bit too large, before long Brett would grow into most of it.

He eventually had collected a modest stash of loot and items, and a full battle kit.
Early fights were mostly minor border skirmishers, often so the Hadovean lands could expand into the contested areas.

An extremely unfortunate turn of events in one of the few early encounters with Hadovean battle packs Brett found himself taken captive. A whole story in that.
Suffice to say, after almost a year he managed to escape the clutches of his captors and make his way back to Hadovean territories with some assistance along the way from the "savages", none of whom seemed savage to Brett.

This was his first visit to Doomsayer's Keep during this journey.
Brett continued his service until early 1253, it had been decades and he had earned a rest. He sought leave and it was duly granted and Brett retired, at first.
A short lived retirement was broken by a decision to take on some mercinary work. Brett then led a lifestyle of fighting/adventuring for pay, then drinking, eating and spraying the money away in other pursuits. Drunken brawls were not uncommon.

He briefly considered rejoining the Empire army to sort himself out when he responded to a pamphlet he read about a mercinary group recruiting. He was more curious than really tempted, however, upon first meeting it seemed to be mutually a good fit.

At the time of writing, Brett is a sergeant in the ranks of the Red Company - one of their front line fighters.

He still has bouts of drinking and brawling.


Red Company Sergeant

Accomplishments & Achievements

Bare Knuckle military champion in his youth.

Winning a genuine fight in battle whilst a drummer boy.
The Collector name stuck.
Trained his rival who eventually defeated him.

Escaping after being captured by Geldheim and forced to fight in their ranks.

Surviving so far.

Failures & Embarrassments

Brett would tell you there's a catalogue of these, and many more forgotten or only partially remembered by him. Almost all relate to drinking and some with a bit of brawling as well.
Being captured was a major embarrassment to Brett.

A lot of stuff to do with drinking far too much, sometimes, too often.

Brawling, breaking stuff, losing valuables (and pay).

Mental Trauma

His childhood was fairly consistently traumatic, as such, Brett is somewhat shut off, as it were. He at times can appear almost callous, although he is not ill willed in anyway.
Violence is almost like simply a pragmatic choice often in Brett's world.

Grieved for his friend in his early days really hard.

To his mind, he copes with grieving better as he has aged.

Intellectual Characteristics

Brett is quite good at reading, despite not necessarily being a keen reader in a sense. In some way, he seemed to recognise the opportunity offered him as a child being taught to read though. His writing, albeit sloppy was also reasonably proficient.

Also exhibits a keen grasp of "people" in a sense. He is quick to assess and often, at the very least, close to the mark, a valuable asset for a sergeant.

Morality & Philosophy

Having tasted life in both factions (albeit briefly and in a somewhat shallow way the Kingdom) and in the Nuetral lands Brett avoids thinking in terms of good/evil.
He is comfortable doing his "job" if that means fight and kill in the contract then so be it - Brett has learned not to over think this, all things must die. He tries to think about his manner of living, not about dying.

Personality Characteristics


The good times in short.

Brett enjoys himself when not in battle.

He shows little to no sign of slowing down.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Robust fighter.
Brawler and drinker.

Virtues & Personality perks

Brett has a remarkably good constitution.

Given his wayward self when drunk Brett does endeavour to make ammends for his many foibles when intoxicated.

Vices & Personality flaws

He tends to abuse his good constitution with monotonous regularity in all manner of vices.


Generally has good hygene. Although in the field that may falter.


Religious Views

Regarding religion Brett will at best pay lip service.
He is not sure if the Gods exist or don't exist.
He is sure though, if they do, he is not a fan of them...

Social Aptitude

Would not manage at court - fortunately he is also unlikely to ever have that opportunity.
Very comfortable and confident with peers and can respond socially appropriately to the minor lords and various officers he may encounter.

Wealth & Financial state

Since joining Red Company and despite what at times seems his best efforts not to Brett has accumulated a tidy nest egg.

A former Sergeant of the Empire forces, Brett retired to do sell sword work. Old, tough warrior. Drinks hard, plays hard and fights hard. Recently joined the Red Company

View Character Profile
Current Status
Training Red Company recruits or on the front line
Current Location
Date of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
Born in the slum district of Mirthstone, parentage unknown
Mirthstone slums
Current Residence
Barracks at the Red Keep
Long, curly and grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair often Ruddy complexion
172 cms
83 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases

Don't call me sir, I work for a living!

The Ten (Lip service at least)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages