The Red Keep Building / Landmark in Kaladaan | World Anvil

The Red Keep

It was a dark forbidding place. Built in the long ago from Local Granite, some of the hardest material known, outside the realms of manmade iron and steel. It appeared to be a place of dark evil and sickness, but this gloomy shroud contained grand halls of luxury and wealth, gold and red flowed through the place like a cool ocean breeze. It was situated by a river inland away from the prying eyes of the would-be pirates and hapless rogues that plagued the coastline. This was the great Keep of the fabled Red Company. The finest unit of Hired Soldiers and killers there is to be sought. Neutral to the outside world, lending itself to simply the Highest Bidder. Mercenaries of the highest order. Boasting high walls and an EXTRAORDINARY lighthouse of unknown purpose. Perhaps the red light that swept the countryside for miles like a scythe was a token of their proud arrogance that bled "not to be toyed with" The Red Keep By Mat (Dunbar Tabai)…

Purpose / Function

The main Keep of the Red Company, sell swords and privateers free folk all.

Unaligned with either faction this is Red Company's "safe" (if there could be such a thing) fortress.


Recently obtained by Red Company the place is currently being renovated.
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners
Vehicles Present
Owning Organization