Captn Lysandra Von Swartzenhoff Character in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Captn Lysandra Von Swartzenhoff

Most of the time Lysandra can be found on board the ship Misty Morning, she does however also have some belongings permanently stored away in Allenia.   Description:   Lysandra grew up in the rich van Schwarzwater merchant family. When said family fell upon hard times, she subsidised her family's revenue by paying the iron price whenever she spotted nice things. Being of the mindset, that if people can't defend their valuables, they don't deserve to keep them, and drawn to the sea from a young age , it was only a small step for her to embrace a pirates life. Said life was about to end on the gallows a few years later however. But for the grace and mercy of Her Magnanimous Empress, she was presented the alternative to turn Corsair instead. An option Lysandra gratefully took. At least when she suspects Empirial spies/witnesses are nearby. So now she serves on the Misty Morning attacking kingdom ships on the coastline between Bloodbucket and Tokatfund.
Current Location
Near Mares Mane Bay.
Aligned Organization