High Flugelburg Keep Building / Landmark in Kaladaan | World Anvil

High Flugelburg Keep

Brian Meir
This castle has become the military base and staging area for Lord Calingbers Heavy Dragoons. An outer perimiter of solid stone walls and an inviting archway opens into a large square with the main castle keep directly opposite the gates. Upon entering the square on the the right are Barracks, armoury and stables while on the left are kitchens storerooms and living quarters.

Purpose / Function

High Flugelburg Keep is Lord Calingbers prescence in the east made stone. A well kept defended and staffed Fortress estate it serves as a hub for the surrounding area and a place for loyal empire citizens to come to seek protection serve the Hadovean Empire and feel part of a community.


The original High Flugelburg Keep is build from the Sandstone quaried from the hills to the north and west. Over the years as the significance Flugelburg increased the keep was expanded on further with a collection of buildings one would expect to see supplying a castle. Smithys, farriers, warehouses, taverns and common halls. The outer perimiter Walls are the newest addition to Flugelburg low sloping walls with three Ravelins proturding to the north.


Use of the natural cliffs along this fork in the river means that the Limestone walls of High FLugelburg seem to become part of the clif face to the southeast and southwest. The Main tower to the north of High Flugelburg is wide but only twice as high as the walls that surrond the perimiter. Turrets and Machicoations line the outer perimiter of the walls. Lower Flugelburg is a more domestic collection of practical buildings built with stone foundations but constructed largly with wood from the forrests to the south east.


The limestone walls of high Flugelburg are wide enough for two men to walk abrest. Crenelations and Machiolacions line the east and northern perimiter of the castle giving good view of the pathways leading to the main gatehouse at the southern tip of the Castle. Heavy wooden railings on the interior edge.   Walls along the far east and west banks of the river allow movemnet all the way along the circular walls that encompase High Flugelburg as a whole.


Built centuries ago High Flugelburg has been a well maintained castle in the hands of the Hadovean Empire for as long as can be remebered.

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