Lord Callingber's Heavy Dragoons Organization in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Lord Callingber's Heavy Dragoons

We honour the Empire, defend her people, uphold the right, and do so with teamwork, co-ordination, discipline and resolve. Only in death does duty end - and even then, only sometimes.


A military unit. while Piter Callingber is its leader of the Dragoons in name, the Day to day running of The Dragonns is left to Mikhail Orlat. His second in command Ravin Maybourne assists mikhail in matters of training and development of the Dragoons as a military unit.


Duty, Integrity, Teamwork, Courage, Honour.   Staunch defenders of the Hadovean Empire.

Public Agenda

The furthering of The Hadovean Empires and lord Piter Calingbers interests.


Flugelburg. A large fortress in the fort of the Whisper river The Misty morning. A three Masted Frigate. Bearing few identifiable features to be a useful ship.


Founded as the Callingbers family Guards many years ago. A swift mailed fist of the Empire ready to enforce the Empires doctrines where every they are needed.

Demography and Population

High and Low FLugelburg and the lands within a days ride are seen as coming under the protection of Lord Callingbers Dragoons. those that live within these lands prosper under this protection. hunting is plentiful in the forrests to the south and the hills to the north west are rich in minerals. farms and hamlets dot the valleys and plains.


Flugelburg and the lands to withing a day or two ride owe fealty to the Dragoons. This comes in the form of ingranied loyalty almost traditional owners of the lands This is displayed by a mutual protection pact. the inhabitants can expect Lord Callingbers Dragoons to give protection and lay their lives on the land for the Hadoveans that help them.


Heavy Mounted Infantry. The Dragoons ride into battle on strong Swift steeds but do not actually engage in Horseback Combat. A preference to be heavily armoured is common but not always a necesity.

Technological Level

The Breeding of horses in and around the Lands inhabitated by Dragoons is paramount. alot of the industry around Dragoons spring from the need to supply a military force. Farriers armoursmiths blacksmiths and weaponsmiths are common. tailors and leatherworkers abound however their wares are more rudimentary than would be seen say within Mirthstone.


No religions are clerly observed byt Lord Callingbers Heavy DRagoons but neither are they discouraged. Loyalty to the Hadovean EMpire comes first. Everything else is secondary.

Foreign Relations

Fiercly loyal to the Hadovean Empire. As the Contested lands are two days ride to the east and four days to the north many inhabitants of the contested lands are likely to encounter a Dragoon or those loyal to them.

Agriculture & Industry

The breeding of horses for dragoons is a large part of their military might this lends the lands around Flugelburg to be dedicated to horse studs and farm lands. grains and market fare crops (as well as bee hives for honey) are farmed in the fields to the east and west of flugelburg. ores are mined in the hills to the northwest and the forrsts to the south are rich in game and foraging parties are often seen there troufling and mushrooming.

Trade & Transport

GIven that the Dragoons base themselves out of Flugelburg this allows them to position themselves as a waypoint between the heartland of the empire and the contested lands. being situated in a natural pass between the forrsts and mountains to the north and south enables the Dragoons to protect the Hadovean Empires interests flowing to and from the northen parts of the Empire and the COntested lands.


Lord Calingber is a staunch believer of the old addage “The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools.” Dragoons are educated to an extent that makes them effective defenders of the Hadovean Empire.


The Dragoons develop the lands in and around Flugelburg to the extent of mutual benifet to Dragoon, Empire citizen and the Emppress herself. well maintained roads within FLugelburg well maintained stone and wood buildings. Solid well manned defenses. Dragoons are a fighting force primarily but when the need arises they will get their hands dirty labouring for the Hadovean Citizens that need them.

Divine Origins

Founded generations ago as the Personal guard to the Head of the Callingber family. After the mariage of Piter Callingber to Empress Yalsoi the Dragoons have taken a more front line aproach


Loyalty to the Hadovean Empire and its Citizens.


Duty, Integrity, Teamwork, Courage and honour are the greatest acts of devotion a Dragoon can display.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Zealous (outsiders would say blinded) Faith In the Hadovean Empire


Lord Callingbers Heavy Dragoons are a unified unit devoid of seperate sects.

Duty, Integrity, Teamwork, Courage, Honour

For Lord Calligber! for the Empress! For Hodovea!
We ride swiftly to battle wherever we are needed!
Founding Date
Military, Special Operations Force
Alternative Names
The Dragoons
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
The Hadovean Golden Stag. Some trade still happens in the form of a Barter system but this is rare.
Legislative Body
As part of the Hadovean Empire, Lord Callingbers Heavy Dragoons obey the laws as set down by the Empress Yalsoi and the Hadovean Empire senate. The Dragoons also operate as a defacto banking for the surronding lands. marks of debt to and owed by Dragoons can be enforced within the vacinity of Dragoons.
Judicial Body
Lord Mikhail Orlat is in charge of enforcing the Laws and Ordinances of the Hadovean Empire in and around Flugelburg.
Executive Body
The Dragoons enforce the laws and ordanances of the Hadovean Empire in the lands surounding Flugelburg.
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
The Walls of Flugelburg will never fall as long as there is a Dragoon to defend it!
We are string by the sweat and blood of the Hadovean People!


The Dragoons loyalty to the Hadovean Empire is un questionable.