Elyendal Character in Kaladaan | World Anvil


Goddess of Fire Elyendal

Fire Goddess – Goddess of Shadows, Goddess of Music, Goddess of summer, Goddess of the mysterious and hidden.
Elyendal’s greatest influence is during summer.
Her name would at the very least be known in the School of Silent Steps, whilst not necessarily strictly followed in anyway necessarily.
She is also not unknown amongst bards.
Elyendal is potentially one of the few of the original TEN whose name may be known more widely than the rest.
Often depicted as a shadowy, cloaked figure either in a shadowy room, hallway, alleyway, or, mostly, a shaded woodland. It is said that in the best depictions she is genuinely hard to find in the motif.

Divine Domains

Whilst the Bardagans are genereally devout to The Ten (of old), in modern times some of the gods are more specifically worshiped.
Elyendal is followed, albeit losely, by the School of Silient Steps - Perhaps a slightly modified version of Elyendal as the Huntress of old, but worshiped none the less.
It is said many warriors revere a version of Elyendal also.


Dagger, Bow, mandolin.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It is unknown whether Elyendal truly existed or not, however, the mythology that surrounds her maintains that she lived thousands of years ago - "The Time Before All" - along with her spouse and brethren of The Ten Who walked among us.
The devout believe the gods truly did walk among the mere mortals of this world.

According to their gospels (for want of a better term), Elyendal lived for the wild lands, A highly skilled hunter and warrior she was reverred in her time.

Divine Classification
Current Status
The devout are awaiting her return from the great beyond
Current Location
Green almond shaped eyes
Copper flowing wavy hair.
185 cms
80 KG
The Ten
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations