Hector Brenollio Tombs Character in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Hector Brenollio Tombs

Written by "Scoop" Scorla

Major Hector Brenollio Tombs (a.k.a. Tombs)

Leader of the Red Company.

A man who has a colourful past in and around the lands of Ashnoor.

  Tombs (As he is known) is a self-made man.
Being the youngest son of a baron in the neutral zone, he was forced to strike out on his own at the tender age of 14, lest his older siblings kill him to secure their inheritance.
His first chance of survival was to join one of the numerous highwayman bands roaming the roads of the continent.
In which he augmented his classical education with swordcraft and munitions skills mastering both. Till the point he had made a reputation as the gentleman thief of the road.
In recent years he served well as the executive officer of two underworld organisations, eventually coming to found and lead one of the most prominent and respected mercenary bands on the continent ... THE RED COMPANY.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Average height, a warrior’s fitness.

Facial Features

Full beard

Identifying Characteristics

Full beard.

Physical quirks

Smokes a pipe

Special abilities

Power Shot
Explosive Keg
Snare (Shot)

Apparel & Accessories

Long arm firearm.
Well dressed.

Specialized Equipment

Long arm Firearm

Mental characteristics


Classical Ashnoorian Education.
Munitions trained
Martial Training.


Self Employed Mercenary

Accomplishments & Achievements

Recent accomplishments (recent years), Second in command of two former mercenary companies and current founder of Red Company a Mercenary company based in the Neutral territories.
Formerly a "gentleman" highwayman, an accomplished duellist and sharpshooter.

Failures & Embarrassments

Events leading up to the formation of the Red Company Tomb's feels were a failure on his part, a close friend spiralling out of control and the destruction of his house.

Mental Trauma

Grieving his lost friend.

Intellectual Characteristics

A tactical, intellectual thinker.

Quick thinking under pressure in the "heat of battle".

Morality & Philosophy

Self-gain drives Tombs, not to the point of "whatever it takes" but he looks out for himself and his people first and foremost.

Like the company motto - "Your Gold is our Bond"


Breaking a contract.

Personality Characteristics


Running a successful operation...So, making gold.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Gunsmithing - makes his own guns.

No skills in sailing, not a fan of ships.

Likes & Dislikes

Respects/Likes trustworthy
Detests untrustworthiness.

Virtues & Personality perks

He is good for his word - if he says he'll do it, it will be done.
Demonstrates good leadership naturally.
Quick to laugh.

Vices & Personality flaws

Smokes Pipe
Likes Rum a wee bit too much.
Weakness for the "finer things in life" clothing, money, jewellery etc.

Not great at hanging on to money, very good at spending it.

Personality Quirks

Tombs is a dapper character.


Tombs prides himself on good hygiene (in the field not always easily achieved).


Contacts & Relations

No close contacts per se, however, the company is contacted frequently for hire by officials representing the two factions.

And Jarvis.

Social Aptitude

Tombs is quite socially adept.


Eloquent with a tendency to bluntness on the job...

Hobbies & Pets

Tombs has a few large hounds that live at the Keep.

Hunting would be a hobby (and at times a necessity).

Wealth & Financial state

Red Company has consistently built up since its inception. Not only a successful company - but individual members have also built a tidy nest egg for themselves.

The Major is feeling like a successful businessman.
Current Status
Renovations of the Red Keep.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
30th Grigori 1221
Lake Miasma
Current Residence
Red Keep or Doomsayer's Keep
178 Cm
Quotes & Catchphrases
Hold the Line, maybe...
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

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