People of Tiiandarooh Organization in Kaladaan | World Anvil

People of Tiiandarooh (Tee - Arndar our)

Only recently discovered during the first (in many generations) explorative sea journey.
The island lays roughly 1400 kms north of Ashnoor, it is populated by various humanoid groups not unlike Ashnoor with a vastly different array of wildlife.

It is a volcanic island, the entire western end of the main island is a series of volcanos - one was errupting as the Ashnoorian flotilla was in the region leading to it's discovery.

Whilst they have no naval capacity to speak of, Comodorre Tall from Ashnoor and his officers determined they are formidable on land warriors.


After only the briefest of encounters, the hierarchy seems mostly along lines of tribal cheiftens or war dukes.

There did not seem one dominant ruling body.


There are marked similarities between the Tayans and Ashnoorians.

The most stark of this was common tongue that both speak, albeit with slight variations.

Predominantly an agrarian culture with some martial qualities.


Tiiandarooh boasts a history at least as ancient as Ashnoor's, perhaps even older.
It is vey early days presently, it is assumed overtime each land may learn more of the other's history.


They worship the Goddess Tiian and her seven original acolytes.

A complex religion they say dates back to the beginning of all things.

Foreign Relations

Despite initial hostilities the Tayans were quick to accept the presence of the Ashnoor vessels and the explorers were welcomed into at least one tribal group's region to stay and trade.

Presently relations seem positive.

Agriculture & Industry

Fertile soil thanks to the volcanic activity periodically provides excellent crop opportunities for farmers.

Despite it's long history the island is somewhat sparsely populated still.

Remarkable metal work comes from their sacred city The Forge located in the very volcanic western end of the island. It is said that The Forge was builty by the original acolytes.

Tiiandarooh also boasts a healthy fishing industry mostly based on the small island to the west.

Trade & Transport

When not in conflict the various tribes and other groupings trade fairly freely among themselves.

It is said that even in times of war trade remains generally "healthy"

Main form of land transport area horse like creatures and various vehicles they can pull.

Small coastal lateen rigged and oared vessels provide fishing fleets and transport between the main island and its small satellites.

Mythology & Lore

Tiian the mother goddess came down from the heavens above to the shores of ancient Tiiandarooh and sacrificed herself so that the seven acolytes who came with her (many view them also as gods or at least demi gods) could survive and seed their sacred land with abundant life for humanoid races to be custodians of.

It is said there were more acolytes originally but some died, somehow.

The acolytes set to work nurturing our wild selves into the civilised forms that work the lands to this day.

The acolytes set the moral standards for laws, it is said that they wrote the laws but there is much conjecture on that. They gave us our language, laws and connection to our land.

The acolytes ultimately departed this world to watch over their many creations.

Certain stars represent the seven acolytes.

Divine Origins

Word of mouth tales from days lost to time handed down from generation to generation until the scriptures were found (many believe written) confirming many if not all of the word of mouth tales.

Cosmological Views

They were not at all surprised to meet people from another land having some basic grasp that they're on just one of many land masses.

Many gods created this world and many gods came down to this world to shape it variously.


There are eight distinct schools or sects within the faith.

One all encompassing faith - ususually reserved for the Paladins and Priests

One for each of the seven aspects represented by the acolytes

1. Birth – Felippa (Goddess) 2. War – Mercy (Goddess) 3. Spring – Fert (God) 4. Summer – Yothur (God) 5. Autumn – Crone (Goddess) 6. Winter – Rasp (God) 7. Death - Tie Mup (Goddess)
The main sect's practices change with the seasons and dependend upon which aspect is deemed necessary at the time - i.e. birth, death or change of season, which season to which season to name a few.


Not disimilar in many ways to a druidic order.

Granted Divine Powers

Extraordinary Healers


Individual acolyte followers would be viewed as sects in a broad sense.
Geopolitical, Country
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Barter system
Predominantly a barter economy, however, they recognise and appreciate gold and gold coins.
Major Exports
Negotiations have only just kicked off regarding this.
Major Imports
Negotiations have only just kicked off regarding this.
Legislative Body
Councils of Elders seem to be the main legislative bodies to date.
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories

No formal or "official" status presently. Tall could only negotiate on behalf of the guild he was representing.

Whilst some trade did occur on this initial contact voyage, the ground work was now in place for regular trade between Ashnoor and Tiiandarooh.

As it should, the Merchants, Bankers and Traders Guild is in on the ground floor of this.

Cordial in the early days of developing status.