Saxinii Ethnicity in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Saxinii (Sax - ini)

Though all tribes were populated with different people with different abilities each one had a special connection to each guild. This meant that individuals from each tribe would often seek out another tribe to gain training then return to their tribe once they were finished, or marry into the other tribe. This removed the risk of interbreeding and also ensured that the tribes were diverse with professionals in their chosen fighting style.

The three clans.

Clan one and considered the leaders of the others is the Saxinii. They Identified by the symbol of a Boar. They have significant ties to the Barracks of steel and are often sort after by would be fighters in the Clann na coille.
Clan two is Arevi’si, they are know to be the well connected with the school of silent steps. Often people seeking a be fight as a skirmisher would seek out the Arevi’si. They are Identified by their symbol of the Fox.
The third and final clan is the Visone. This clan is represented by the symbol of the bear and have great relationship with the

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Feminine names are almost always chosen to respect a female family member that has passed on. Most of the time the death is caused by Childbirth or Combat as these methods of death are viewed as the most courageous.
A common phrase among Saxinii women is “The best death is one in pursuit of bring a life into the world or striping one from it”
This can be seen in the eldest daughter of Vercing Etorix, Boudica. She is named after the previous Vercing and aunt of Etorix who died in battle.

Masculine names

Masculine names have a less strict naming process. Most often then not the name of a male Saxinii is a show of respect to a dear friend of the father. Often someone the father has fought with. However it is common practice for the names of male Saxinii to be used to solidify alliances. These has led many politically active Saxinii to not name their sons for a long time.
An example of this can be seen in Arminius Cheru Saxinii was named after a notorious warrior and leader of the Bardagan hill clans.

Family names

The Saxinii people have three names that are used to wholly identify them. First is their given name, then their family name and then their clan name.
For example the Saxinii chief.
Etorix (Given name), Cheru (family name), Saxinii (clan name).

Common family names among the Saxinii include,

Frisii, Frandoth, Semnone, Cimbri, Batari and Sbue. It should also be known that migrants from the Bardagan tribes who become Saxinii by marriage often take the name Bardaga.

Other names

Inhabiting a region known as the "Pixiewoods" for good reason, the Saxinii clan is the lead clan in a council of three clans living in the forest area. In their local dialect they refer to the pixie population as "leanaí spiorad" (Spirit children).


Shared customary codes and values

When it comes to customary codes one that is most often referred to is that all Saxinii children are to be trained to fight. It’s a matter of law that all Saxinii are warriors and have been trained to be so since childhood. The manner in which they fight can vary from child to child but all must be capable.
The values vary from Clan to Clan but above all the Saxinii value heart. The most respected members of Saxinii society are those who don’t back down and never give up.

Common Etiquette rules

When greeting someone for the first time a Saxinii will often not give his name unless asked. This is part of their Fae related caution. It is well known that pixies gain a lot of power over a person when they learn their name. Furthermore, when asked a Saxinii will provide their given name and their clan name omitting their family name to ensure that the stranger cannot gain any power over them. When greeting man to man a Saxinii will shake the right hand of the person they are greeting, grabbing at the forearms. When greeting man to woman they press their foreheads together and hold around the head. Women to woman is the same as man to woman.
When entering a Saxinii house in is proper etiquette to first grab and hold the pendant hanging from the door frame. This pendant is made of cast iron and grabbing it proves to the Saxinii is not a pixie before they can enter the house.

Common Dress code

Once again practicality is preferred over fashion in Saxinii values. This means that few women if any wear dresses and often dress the same as men in tunics and pants.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

All meetings and debates among the Saxinii are held in open air around a camp fire. This is done as a display of transparency to the Fae as they can see what political discussions are taking place in the tribe. This is also acts as an invitation to the Fae to take place in the discussions if they care for the topic. All leaders of the clans are decided via vote among all voting age members of the clans. Once a clan has voted and decided upon its chieftain they are given the title of Chief and will be referred to as such. A change in leadership only happens in one of two occasions; one the chief passes away, two the tribe impeach the chief due to dissatisfaction.
After this there is also a vote to decided who becomes commander of all Clann Na Coille. This title is Vercing and this vote decided by popular vote amongst the elders of each clan as well as pixie representatives chosen by the Fae. The current Vercing is Vercing Etorix who is also the chief of the Saxinii.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

All Saxinii at birth are given a cast iron pendant shaped like the jasper ones worn by adults. This is to protect them from any would be pixie tricks until they are old enough to learn the customs of the Saxinii and how to properly commune with Fae.

Coming of Age Rites

There are 3 separate events that are viewed of coming-of-age rites for Saxinii people.

First of which happens after the child loses all its baby teeth. This a viewed as the age that a child is competent to deal with pixies respectfully. At this age a child is sent into the woods to find a piece of jasper and once they have returned they are to shape it until it is the Saxinii pendant shape. After this there is a clan wide ceremony celebrating all the children where they remove the cast iron pendants and replace them with the jasper sharpening stones.
Second is when the child finishes their basic combat training and is sent the guild training facility of their chosen class to serve. During this period of time men are not to shave and women are to tie string around their ring finger. This is to symbolise the young persons dedication to the craft they chose.
Finally, when a Clan Na Coille returns from guild training, they are greeted with a party. The boys are shaved by the would woman who succeeded their training and the men cut the string from the women’s ring fingers officially signifying that they had succeeded. This party is held by the clan that sent them to their chosen guild regardless of their original clan. This final ritual marks all Clann Na Coille as adults.

Funerary and Memorial customs

All Saxinii are burned on a funeral pyre. If they were married it is common that they are burnt with the wedding gift they received at the ceremony. Fae are usually in attendance and enchant the fire to burn all items in it.
If the individual is unwed it is law that they are provided with their weapon or weapon combination of choice. This is because the Saxinii are aware of what they don’t know and if there is an after life they want the Saxinii to be prepared for whatever it is.
The phrase is often said when presenting them with the weapon “It is madness to condemn that of which we are ignorant, but more foolish to trust it.”

Common Taboos

Common Myths and Legends

When it comes to religion the Saxinii are followers of the Ten whoever they some are represented more in their religion the others.
The most important one to them is Soeyre. This deity is most worshipped due its association to mischief and luck. Two things the Saxinii respect dearly due to their relationship with Fae. Worship of this deity is carried out by the consumption of an ale each night. Rituals dedicated to Soeyre often include consumption of copious amounts of ale, which also allows for pixies to pull of pranks more successfully.
Evla is the second most important deity to the Saxinii. The Saxinii admiration for battle and war is well known and affects everyday life for them. Evla often has associated symbols within every household of the Saxinii. Tattoos of bellows are common among all Saxinii.
Wieyar is also very important due to the Saxinii high value placed on union and love. Not to mention their disdain for deceit.


Beauty Ideals

The Saxinii do not wear any jewellery except for proposal bands and their jasper stone necklaces. This is for two main reasons. First off, Saxinii don’t see any value in items that are not practical. For example the Saxinii only wear jasper pendants because so they can be used to sharpen tools and weapons. Second of all

jewellery is often seen as a sign of vanity to Fae and the pixies of the woods may take this as insult to the natural beauty of their forest.

Courtship Ideals

Saxinii have specific rituals that take place when courting a partner. It is custom for Saxinii men to propose to their would be partner by kneeling and presenting her with a wedding band. If she agrees they are officially partnered, and preparation begins for the marriage.
From this point forward the Engaged men would stop wearing their facial hair as a moustache and begin to grow a full beard. They would keep a full beard for the rest of their life if the marriage was successful. Women would wear the engagement band for the rest of their lives if the marriage was also successful. As part of the process Saxinii males are obliged to supply a dowry to their partners family. This dowry is unique though as they are to provide their favourite weapon to that family, be it spear, sword or axe. This is symbolic of the male sacrificing a most prised possession and for their love and also to say “If I treat your family poorly you have the right to kill me with my own blade”. In the event that it is a same sex marriage both males would do this, but women are not required to.
At the wedding ceremony the bride would present the groom with a brand new manufactured weapon specific to the husbands preferences. This was a symbol of the brides pledge to always fight with her husband against would be enemies. The Groom intern would present the bride with a brand new shield with the whatever their clan symbol is on it. This symbolised accepting the woman into their clan if they were from one of the others and also that they will forever be protected by that clan.
In same sex marriage it was custom for both men to present each other with weapons and both Women to present them with shields.

Relationship Ideals

There is no rules outlining relationships within any of the Clann Na Coille. Same sex marriage is accepted, and traditions are in place for their union.
Polygamy is strictly outlawed by the Saxinii as well as adultery.
Arranged marriage is also taboo. This is a result of the Saxinii relationship with Fae as they see marriages not based in love as revolting and would not allow it within their woods.

Major organizations

Until recently the only allies of the Saxinii were the other Clann na Coille, the pixies and The Bardagans.
However they have recently began an alliance with Red Company. They provide information to Reynard grey and agree to help smugglers through the Pixiewood as long as it doesn’t benefit the Hadovean empire.
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