Bardaga Hills and Lake Geographic Location in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Bardaga Hills and Lake

Almost the centre of the Contested Territories


As the name suggests a hilly region covering around 600 square kilometres of the Cotested lands. A lake is also located in the south eastern region feeding the local population there a variety of sea food.

Fauna & Flora

The region displays a variety of flora and fauna not uncommon throughout Ashnoor.


Bardagan's history dates back to long before the succession wars commenced around 1000 years ago. It is said they were already an old race then.

Of course any written record of their history was lost with the fall of Aringale and their verbal history has been skewed with myth and legend throughout a broken history of telling and retelling.

Whilst there is much mythology surrounding the Bardagans, they are the only continuous line worshiping the Ten if not since it's formation, perhaps even when the Ten did walk among us (if that is not mythology), the shortly thereafter.


The Bardagan hill and Lake region is not a tourist zone. Whilst they are not particularly hostile they're not overly fond of visitors either. If you progress too far into their territory their usual action then is to capture you and take you to a village to get to know why you're here.

They're not an unpleasant people when one gets to know them, but tourism is not a Bardagan thing.

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