The Balthewford Guard Organization in Kaladaan | World Anvil

The Balthewford Guard

The Balthewford Guard view themselves as the protectors of Ashnoor - they are separate to the ongoing War between two factions.
Formed imediately after the flight south with the Alma Aquiesce by some of the remnants of that same band who had spirited the sacred stone south - the Dark Guard, from its inception, were patently aware of the Erayax' influence which had seeped into the very fabric of their former ruling class. By all accounts, it was Beren - the original holder of the Alma Aquiesce who made the observation that the Erayax had not stopped pursuing the remnants of the Kingdom and Empire forces, they had successfully planted new agents. The group understood there had been no stomach to hear their warnings prior to the sacking of Aringale - it was a fair guess that would remain so now, only fear may be the greater driver now. The Erayax were merciless when they fell upon the warring forces in strength. The consensus amongst scholars is that it was very nearly the end of the races calling themselves Ashnoorian. The Balthewford Guard are primarily a foil against at least some Erayax activity within the three realms known broadly as The Hadovean Empire, the Contested Territory and the Kingdom of Geldheim. An underground network who generally ignore borders, in a sense at least. Members of the Guard come from all martial schools, a wide range of specialist skills, crafts and abilities.
It has taken some time but the Guard effectively have eyes, ears and skilled agents in every key location of importance by late 1250 AE.
As the Guard has grown in size, it's knowledge base has also grown. In modern times the Dark Guard are aware of many forces other than the "natural" ones the factions cavort with.
The Balthewford Guard have become the underground operatives against The Erayax and exploring and protecting againts, shall we say "other" mysteries.
They wield little power, if any at all within the various hierarchies - that is not the objective of the Dark Guard though, avoiding detection whilst they go about undermining their enemy and various other espionage activities where they're able.


Autonomous cells spread throughout Ashnoor ranging in size from a few hundred members to tens of thousands living in the various communities.

Individual cells generally adopt their own leadership titles along military sounding lines (e.g. Captain, Sgt etc).

Ultimately, the cell activity is directed by the scholars, at times communicated through their network of spies connected to the School of Silent Steps.


Whilst not mindlessly fanatical, as it were, the Balthewford Guard are somewhat fanatical regarding the Erayax at least.
Given the group's widespread nature, the culture is remarkably egalitarian with their singular occupation, the Erayax, the main influence.
Generally, for example, their "officer" titles are not particularly high ranking - it's just an identifier to them. They're the final word in disputed decisions - not much pressure.
The exception to the lowly titles are the two largest cohorts one each in Geldheim and Hadovea. The self styled, and not entirely inappropriately titled, dukes enjoy friendly rivalry - behind the scenes at least.
Given they represent factions at war, it has been unavoidable on occassions where Guard have been fighting in the conflict against one another. It is understood they must play the role, sadly.

Public Agenda

The Balthewford Guard have no public agenda, at least, beyond the perception that they do not exist...


Upon securing the highly prized Alma Aquiesce the remnants of the escort group gathered in Doomsayers Keep and met with a contingent of Scholars, local merchants and, as always guild delegates.
The session was brief and to the point - The warrior monk Beren (keeper of the alma aquiesces) would be the architect ultimately of the larger future organisation that started with these fifty or so people towards the end of 227 AE.
Certainly not in any of the founders lifetimes and despite some tragic set backs - The Guard have endured and are now a formidable foil to a significant amount of Erayax activity mostly in the competing faction networks.
Their early association with the Bardagan Tribes have proved mutually rewarding over the centuries as well. The majority of the Tribes live as they have done since early days in the hills, forest and lake areas they've long cared for. However, thanks to the Alma Aquiesce journey, quite a few also leave their homes and head for Doomsayer's Keep and further exploration. All of these Bardagan expats who apply are welcomed into the Guard

Bardagan's have also provided sanctuary, guides and, more importantly perhaps, access on a few rare and recent occassions into the Old Lands to the North populated in modern times by the Erayax. The information gathered has been useful to date, not without cost.

Demography and Population

Every demography is represented by one or more cells. They are widely spread throughout faction lands.
All walks of life are not an unrealistic description of the "global" membership - they're not all warriors. There are scholars, traders, all manner of crafts people, minor nobles, healers, hunters, servants and every other occupation imaginable, some will be Balthewford Guards.
No higher up members of Aristocracy have been invited to date, partly due to the risk of them potentially being an Erayax agent, partly due to the general disbelief they had been inflitrated at the highest levels by the Aristocracy.


The Balthewford Gaurd have been referred to as the military arm of the Scholars, with some espionage thrown in.
Whilst there is a modicom of truth to this line, in reality the Dark Guard are a group who come from an extremely diverse range of backgrounds and disciplines. They're far more than a military arm, with some espionage thrown in. In truth, quite a few scholars are members.
Their actual military "arm" though is made up of warriors, skirmishers, healers, evokers and mage hunters from every region. Despite the references to "military arm" fighting wars is not the main focus of the Dark Guard.
Stopping Wars.
Finishing Wars are their two main objectives.


Whilst religion is not a dictate within the Guard, the Bardagan brethren of the guard are devout worshippers of the Ten.
Otherwise, the Balthewford Guard would be described as loosely best.

Foreign Relations

Their focus is on Erayax activity and interferring with it.
Their relationship with Erayax consequently is somewhat bitter.

To pass without notice

Founding Date
227 AE
Secret, Brotherhood
Alternative Names
The Dark Guard
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Executive Body
The eight original members inadvertently set the precident that developed into the council of eight as the executive.
Over the centuries it has proven useful often for the eight to also live in every corner of the Ashoorian territories whether they be Kingdom, Empire or Contested.
The scholars and heads of guild colleges select new council members as required.
All members of the Balthewford Guard are sworn to secrecy under pain of death.
To date this has been maintained for over a thousand years.
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Notable Members