Kaladaan Monarch Tea Ceremony of 1257

Monarch Tea Ceremony of 1257

Political event


Due to the death of King Allard leaving no surving heir, the Monarch Rose Tea Ceremony is organised against a backdrop of civil unrest

Lord Kornington, Principal of the Monarch’s council swept the various reports from his desk and drank deeply from the tankard. The Monarch Tea ceremony was rapidly approaching and everything was in disarray. With four of the candidates dead, including the late King’s own son, it was a small field of final contenders who would take their chances consuming the narcotic tea. “Supposing the good people of Bannockthorpe do not accept the outcome of the ceremony then, I mean they’re already rioting?” Said Dareel Kornington to his companion, the former King’s personal scribe. Master scribe Altherton considered for a moment, “I do not recall any records of that ever occurring, one wonders.” Replied Altherton. “Full might of the city watch’ll be unleashed with orders to show no quarter” I expect. “Damn, may even give the order myself.” He finished taking a generous swig. “And this cult of Allard…” He started. Altherton cutting him off, “God King Allard’s Holy order.” He corrected. Altherton considered that nothing would be gained by insulting the group. The issue was far more complex. Were they all just ranting, wild eyed zealots the movement may have been easier to deal with, there were some, but also there were the articulate and influential ones. It was only a few short months since Allard’s final rights and now the words from his eulogy came back to haunt them, ““Good King Allard Strongback, his work in this world completed, breathed his last here to take a seat at the table of the Gods…”   In all truth, a not particularly unique sentiment regardless of the station of the one newly deceased, making it even more shocking in some ways that in this instance they were taken literally and applied retrospectively. Allard was worshiped by a growing number of people as God King Allard. This on the back of rumours about Aytor, Allard’s son, having first been kidnapped and then killed had exploded in the streets. And so, with a backdrop of street violence and widespread civil unrest in the capital the already dangerous Monarch (Rose) Tea ceremony of 1257 after a week of ceremony, games and feasts on the 4th day of Soeyre the Monarch Tea ceremony comes to completion.

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