Kaladaan Queen Ostel the problem solver

Queen Ostel the problem solver


Ostel was, among a myriad other things, fascinated with the Monarch rose. Particularly the occasional fatalities caught her attention. Upon looking into the stories surrounding these deaths, Ostel surmised that, for the main part, the deaths were caused by misadventure. Many were falling deaths, some drownings and several could be characterised as accidents almost, even despite knowledge of the ingested drug.

She made changes to the ceremony to ensure those contesting the crown were kept “safe” from their own actions, or as much as possible. It was not fool proof though.   Ostel also continued her father’s good work with keeping up maintenance throughout the kingdom. Whilst no significant changes occurred, she ruled during some significant battles as both our glorious Kingdom of Geldheim grew in numbers and so to, the rebellious Empire thieves’ numbers grew.   Her Royal Highness Ostel led many a noble and glorious campaign against our eternal foe. Several expeditions embarked into the forgotten lands, all to disappear without trace. Ostel was felled by an arrow in a skirmish near Moridale (Contested territory). Despite having had six children, none had survived her – she died leaving no heirs.

Related Location
The Royal Realm of Geldheim
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