Kaladaan Geldheim Succession Timeline

Geldheim Succession

The Royal Line of Succession: The Succession Wars

223 AE 250 AE

The line of Monarch's througout the Succession Wars.

  • 223 AE

    233 AE

    The ongoing line of Royal Succession
    Political event

    King Daldon:

    Daldon and Essandra are twins. An almost unwilling participant in the civil war, the worst that could be said for him was he may have been too weak to stop it.   He was assassinated in 233AE, almost certainly by a family member.   Neither of Daldon’s children survived childhood.

  • 233 AE

    260 AE

    King Kennod "The General"
    Political event

    Daldon’s sibling (younger) – a gifted leader in times of war, Kennod personally led some remarkable victories during his 27-year reign. He survived what is recorded as the final battle of the war of succession, and true to history this was the last major battle. The survivors returning to their homes though mostly had to fight at least half the distance home. Kingdom’s history records that for Kennod the Succession War did not end, his journey home torturously difficult. He fought for 10 more years after the apparent final war. He died in the field in 260AE aged 53, axe and shield in hand.

A Quiet era of sloppy records

260 AE 410 AE

The line of succession gets complicated.

  • 260 AE

    410 AE

    4 Kings 5 Decades
    Political event

    records show that four monarchs reigned. Their names are recorded as King Esrel, Queen Caisgain, Queen Mergo, and Queen Asfarie… What order they were in is unknown for certain also how they are related is unrecorded. No achievements are recorded either, it can only be speculated that they led quiet reigns without much achievement.

  • 410 AE

    481 AE

    King Barage The sire

    Barage was believed to be the youngest son of the last of the previous four monarchs. Queen Asfarie is tipped as the most likely generally. He sired 17 children with 4 wives (many rumoured concubines and unknown bastards) during relatively peaceful times – this led to them all surviving to adult hood.

Barrage's Legacy

480 AE 900 AE

  • 481 AE

    485 AE

    Queen Ursul The fragile
    Political event

    The beginning of a time of unrest and poor record keeping. So many conflicting views on what took place from “fragile’s” rule until around 1000 AE.

Monarch Rose Tea Ceremony

950 AE 1115 AE

There are records of an agricultural boom in 880 AE – this would indicate a reasonable chance of a period of stability around this time. First records of the Monarch Rose also appear in records texts.

  • 1000 AE

    1048 AE

    King Allarch

    Around 1000 AE documents record a King Allarch reigned during some of the time up until 1048 AE, if not the entire time.

  • 1048 AE

    1050 AE

    Queen Elyen the unforgiven

    Poor Queen Elyen is the first “reliably” recorded monarch, previous to her reign, records are far too unreliable to present with any degree of confidence.   Elyen was a Monarch Rose selection, if the records are correctly interpreted; however, she was deeply unpopular and was poisoned after a brief reign. No significant achievements recorded.   No Children recorded.

  • 1055 AE

    1112 AE

    King Kordath the hardy

    A gap of five years, most likely civil war before the next monarch drank the tea unscathed. It is said three of the other candidates were not so lucky, fatally so.

  • 1112 AE

    1122 AE

    King Montangue the younger

    Montangue the younger, Montangue the elder (his sibling) had been killed in one of the many assassinations attempts on his father.


1122 AE 1200 AE

Despite skirmishes, some civil unrest and other difficulties, overall, Ostel's reign began a period of growth and recovery.

  • 1122 AE

    1153 AE

    Queen Ostel the problem solver

    Ostel was, among a myriad other things, fascinated with the Monarch rose. Particularly the occasional fatalities caught her attention. Upon looking into the stories surrounding these deaths, Ostel surmised that, for the main part, the deaths were caused by misadventure. Many were falling deaths, some drownings and several could be characterised as accidents almost, even despite knowledge of the ingested drug.

  • 1154 AE

    1179 AE

    King Dale of Dry Mire

    Between 1153 and 1154 there were no less than seven Monarch Tea rituals performed. No fatalities recorded, however, an unlikely “monarch” turned up from the backwaters of Dry Mire. Dale, first King of his name (as far as records go) drank half a tankard of the tea and showed not a single sign of being “effected”. Two days later, he was crowned as the God’s chosen King.

  • 1179 AE

    1197 AE

    King Egar the lame

    Egar had been injured in a fall from a horse as a child. Despite his lame leg, he was known as a skilled fighter, tactician and negotiator.

  • 1198 AE

    1223 AE

    Royal Highness Kelto

    "In the year 1198 AE, his most Royal Highness Kelto the first ascended the throne and took the crown, long may his reign bless and protect us."
    Scribe Hadrigan's Royal Line of Succession.

    Kelto died falling from a horse after an otherwise quiet reign.

Succession War II

1205 AE to present

Campaign battles and full pitched war has erupted again between the Hadovean and Geldheim forces.

  • 1226 AE

    1257 AE

    King Allard Strongback

    There are conflicting time frames around when Allard (Called Strongback in some friendly tribal regions) ascended the throne (another Monarch tea selected King), depending on who by and where the story is told, Allard either ascended in 1226 or 1230.

  • 1257 AE

    16 Soeyre

    King Benlay Thorsten

    Formerly Warden from the Forest of Needles, in the vicinity of Hemlock Vale.   A Ranger by training, quite recently though Benlay and his family took up residency in Bannockthorpe for him to take part in the Monarch Rose Tea ceremony.