Kaladaan Attack on Raven Clans Camp

Attack on Raven Clans Camp

Military: Skirmish


While Raven Clan and the House of Smith were celebrating in the Raven Clan Longhouse in Shades End. A raiding party for the island to the East raided the Raven Clan camp.

It started as a joyous night as sounds of merriment echoed across the landscape. The Raven Clan had invited the House of Smith to their lands to celebrate their strong bond of friendship. However, this invite had not gone unnoticed as raiders from the island to the east took advantage of the thick mist that covered the waters that night to stage a surprise attack. As the raiders reached the shore the alarm rang out throughout the camp as both Raven Clan and House of Smith hastily gathered their weapons to repel the attack. After a fierce battle the raiders pulled back across the channel with the significant number of Raven Clan resources. With little damage done to their naval reserves the raiders where able to block the channel making a frontal counter attack a risky venture. It was Jarl Erikson who devised the idea of dragging what of their longboats they could hastily repair north through the rocky terrain towards the bay in which Bannockthorpe is situated. Their aim, to stage a surprise attack of their own from the north in a bid to reclaim their stolen resources and wipe out these raiders who dare attack them. Unfortunately, it was a move anticipated by their enemy, as Raven Clan and House of Smith were met with heavy resistance in the rocky terrain particularly from the magic users amongst the raiders number that rained down fire with deadly regularity. Despite the resistance, Raven Clan did manage to get an albeit small number of longboats into the water. With renewed vigour they set sail, aided by a favourable wind which they took as a clear sign of the Gods favour. As they made landfall at the raiders camp they were once again met with heavy resistance, so much so, it soon looked like the Raven Clan and House of Smith’s mission was doomed for failure. Perhaps it was complacency on the raiders part that allowed an opportunity to present itself. Briefly seizing the advantage, The Raven Clan Longboats were filled with a considerable amount of their stolen resources before smashing through the blockade to return to their camp. Despite the cheer from their kin, both Jarl Erikson and Treloar knew this was no clear victory. A number of resources where not recovered and a number of the Raven Clan Longboats are now in serious need of repair. Worst of all, many of the raiders survived the counterattack. Jarl Erikson knew full well the grim reality that this would not be the last time he will encounter them

Related Location
Shades End
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