Kaladaan King Barage The sire

King Barage The sire


Barage was believed to be the youngest son of the last of the previous four monarchs. Queen Asfarie is tipped as the most likely generally. He sired 17 children with 4 wives (many rumoured concubines and unknown bastards) during relatively peaceful times – this led to them all surviving to adult hood.

So, it was the four eldest remained in the capital with Barage, his heirs apparent and the other thirteen would lead an expansion of Kingdom territory or, rather a reinforcing of it. To this day, descendants of Barage can be found all over existing Kingdom territory.   Barage’s children: Princess Ursul (later queen), Price Reagan, Prince Gerrard, Princess Asfarie (the younger), Princess Caisgain (also the younger), Prince Theobold, Prince Arrad, Prince Trystlin, Princess Ildres, Prince Belfor, Princess Escondida, Prince Talon, Prince Anald, Princess Ermaigne, Princess Gertrayor, Princess Fallon, Prince Sig.

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