Kaladaan King Kordath the hardy

King Kordath the hardy


A gap of five years, most likely civil war before the next monarch drank the tea unscathed. It is said three of the other candidates were not so lucky, fatally so.

Kordath survived the Monarch tea unaffected and had an astonishingly long reign even more so considering how perilous the times were. Plans were afoot for renewed military action against ages old foes. And of course, Kingdom politics was rife with danger; they seemed constantly on the brink of either civil war or outright rebellion.   Kordath is reputedly the King who expanded borders or formerly acquired territories at Hillfort, Sigvollor and crossing the river at Escondida Bay moving the border to its present location. He was not idle. He was also responsible for much restoration and maintenance throughout the land.   Kordath survived no less than six assassination attempts. People often only half joked that the King was immortal. However, one night, out of the blue, he dies peacefully in his sleep.   Kordath had sired a surviving heir.   Children: Prince Montague the elder (Died during assassination attempt on his father 1078), Princess Erial (Died during assassination attempt on his father 1078), Prince Montague the younger (Eventual King), Princess Arradine.

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