Kaladaan The Ocean Expedition

The Ocean Expedition



Seven ships "sponsored" by the Merchant and Traders Guild set sail for currently unknown waters under the leadership of Henry Tall.

It is generally accepted that in the distant past there were sea farers of Ashnoor, however, that tradition of exploration had been lost along the way.
Fortunately not all of the skills had been lost, some past down along family lines.
Now it was time for Ashnoorians to take their first timid steps back into the deeper oceans with newer, sturdier built for purpose ships.
Planned as a short expedition north to see what, if anything is there. With fair weather and winds, no more than a few months.

Seven ships "sponsored" by the Merchant and Traders Guild set sail for currently unknown waters under the leadership of Henry Tall.  

The Windsong – Frigate (FLAG)
Night Lightening – Frigate
Minstrel – Brig
The Success – Brig
Amphion – Sloop of War
Jubilant – Demi (Supply ship)
Stalwart – Demi (Supply ship)