Henry Tall Character in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Henry Tall

Comodorre Henry Jaekor Tall

Gunslinger, Mariner themed

Formerly an Admiral (Retired) of the Geldheim Royal Navy, Henry served loyally for over five decades. He earned a great deal of respect as he climbed the ranks

Upon retiring he turned Privateer Captain and trader until losing his ship off the coast of Ashnoor in a fierce storm

He then found himself joining the mercenary company in its formative days, adding a previously unplanned for aspect to the sell swords - building a navy.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Henry is hale enough, although he feels the aches more and recovery is slower these days.

Special abilities

Double charging a pistol produces a "power shot" doing immense damage.

Apparel & Accessories

Henry has his good dress uniform - predominantly white with a navy blue coat, and, his service uniform that he is mostly seen in, a red shirt, brown breeches and a green vest with a brown coat.

Both Uniforms are complimented with his Red Company sash.

His faithful old black tricorn that has survived everything so far.

Specialized Equipment

A brace of barkers - his matching dueling pistols

His Sabre.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Henry joined the Geldheim Royal navy as a twelve year old midshipman.

Whilst not one of the harder fighters in the navy, Henry garnered respect for his sailing prowess and his uncanny knowledge of navigation and how to use some of the ancient devices for navigation.

The loss of his ship, The Keldon of the southern coast of Ashnoor in a fierce storm took with it the majority of his possessions and wealth.

He started almost from scratch when he joinied the Red Company during its foundation


Henry has recieved a classical education. He can read and write well, read maps and various other charts, knows the arts, fencing and, despite not styling himself as a warrior per se, is a pretty good shot with firearms.


Currently Henry is Captain or fleet Commodore (as required) and procurment officer in Red Company Sell Swords.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Aside from his distinguished service in the Royal Navy - Henry recently led the first ocean expedition in many generations discovering a new land.

Returned from a successful ocean expedition discovering the land and people of Tiiandarooh to the NNW of Ashnoor.

Failures & Embarrassments

The loss of the Keldon was a crushing blow to Henry. He lost some good crew, who had become more than just crew and, of course, his prized possession being his ship along with things he'd collected over his lifetime.

Personality Characteristics


Getting out in the ocean with a sea worthy vessel.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Has extraordinary navigation skills and can sail a ship exceptionally.

Is not reknowned as a warrior - can do well enough to survive, given he has to date.


Henry's hygene is impeccible.


Contacts & Relations

If pushed, Henry could probably still have some handy contacts in Kingdom realms.

Religious Views

Henry is not particularly religious, he's read a bit about the ten

Social Aptitude

Henry's up brining left little room for him to be anything other than socially adept in almost all situations.


Whether on board ship or not, Henry often stands with his hands behind his back gazing far off...

Former Admiral of the Royal Fleet now a Privateer Captain with Red Company.

View Character Profile
Current Status
Recently returned from Ocean expedition
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
24 Soeyre
Current Residence
Red Company Rooms Doomsayers, unless on board ship.
Green/Hazel eyes, distant
Silvery grey and generally tied neatly back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair skin, ruddy complexion from a lifetime at sea
172 cms
84 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases

"Damn sloppy!"

Aligned Organization