Kaladaan 1257 – Coronation

1257 – Coronation

Political event


A new King is crowned and his reign commences.

Long Live King Benlay

It was now difficult to believe that a mere ten days hence the streets were awash with clashing mobs perpetrating wide spread civil disobedience for no apparent reason, other than they had no monarch, could that be so?
  Almost miraculously in the final hours of the Monarch Tea celebrations the mobs simply dissipated as if by magic almost, they had rioted themselves to an exhausted standstill. Followers of the new religion of Allard of course claimed credit saying it was the late King’s spirit that influenced the mobs to go home. Whatever it was the council appreciated the peace and a new King was to be crowned. Much had been achieved in the ten days from then until today, the day of the Coronation. A few signs of damage or various other signs of unrest were there, if one looked closely enough, however, the clean up and spruce up had been effective overall.
  The gathered crowds were completely different to the mobs of days ago, a party atmosphere hung in the air. The first hint of the approaching royal train were the drums – deep booming drums announcing his royal highnesses approach. The train, a kilometer long at least, made it’s ponderous way through the city streets towards Coronation square – purpose built as the name suggests. Forward and rear were a unit each of the Royal Guard, among the rest were members of the Royal carbines, the rangers of King’s woods, assassins, various healers and the two Royal bodyguards – Paladins both.
  By mid-morning the procession had reached the square. Benlay dismounted and made his way toward the podium and the group ready to perform the coronation rights name them King of Geldheim. The Royal family followed behind.
  And so it was, after almost four hours of ceremony the crowing complete a long night of feasting and festivities would ensue followed by a general holiday – ostensibly to recover. King Benlay, the first of his name, officially commenced his/her reign on a gloriously sunny morning on the 16th day of Soeyre, 1257.
  Long live the King.

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