Kaladaan An Incident at Akan Krul

An Incident at Akan Krul

Military: Battle

10/9 1200:00
10/9 1700:00

The hilly north-eastern borders have always been something of a problem for the Hadovean Empire, from Erayax assaults on the west end at Tenor and stubborn dwarves levying huge tariffs and extortionate tolls on trade in the Hills of Bardaga to the east.

However, there is one problem that has seemingly become far more emboldened in the past month: raiders along the road at Akan Krul. These raiders having been unorganised and causing negligible issues in the past have a new leader, rumoured to have escaped the stockade at Tenor and having their forces guided, now seem to be exclusively targeting the Empire troops, caravans, and defensive instalments in the surround area, damaging Hadovean influence in the region. Because of this, Mirthstone has sent an extermination force to remove the raiders from the area, led by the Praetorian Titarus, Prefect of Nishkagat and high-ranking individual of the Mirthstone Council known more for his bite, not his bark.

The Kingdom of Geldheim having learnt of the endeavour has hastily organised a rapid response under the command of Dane Pierce, Marshall of Vespilli and sent them west to interrupt and ensure that that border stays in turmoil.

As the sun slowly crept over rocky terrain, a full complement of infantry and blackpowder stormed the field from the west as Empire immediately dominated the bridge, cliffside and valley of Akan Krul preventing Kingdom from establishing a defensive line and forcing the skirmishers to retreat into the nearby forest, whilst the Raiders sent volley after volley of arrows raining down onto the Hadovean troops in valley staving off the approach upon their fort on the north-eastern ridge.
With the arrival of the Dane Pierce and the primary Kingdom force, along with the realisation that the missing House of Smith second in command; Kindred the Bane had taken leadership of the raiders in Akan Krul as he and what remained of their small numbers took the field supporting the reinvigorated Kingdom skirmishers, the Hadovean commander, the Praetorian Titarus led an assault against the two leaders and personally managed to inflict moderate injuries upon Kindred before taking a fatal wound facing off against a member of the disbanded Iron Guard meanwhile Dane Pierce dealt a devastating blow against the Empire ranks as he detonated explosives by the backline Hadovean gunners.
Angered by the loss of their commander, the Empire threw everything they had into a final assault against the fort; deploying the last of their munitions in annihilating the remaining raiders bar Kindred in their offensive and managing to significantly damage the western wall and destroying the southern tower before planting a large bomb in the fort’s centre and hunkering down on the defensive awaiting the detonation. However, in the final moments, Kingdom broke their line and returned the favour by shifting the bomb back to the Empire’s controlled area and detonating it.
Having spent most of their troops and all of their supplies, the Hadoveans realised that the day is lost and retreated with minimal causalities as they fled the rocky crags of Akan Krul. With the defeat of the Empire, Dane Pierce and his force began their journey with Kindred in tow, eager to return back to the Kingdom of Geldheim and finally step through the manor doors of the House of Smith after so very long.

Related Location
Akan Krul
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