Kaladaan King Dale of Dry Mire

King Dale of Dry Mire


Between 1153 and 1154 there were no less than seven Monarch Tea rituals performed. No fatalities recorded, however, an unlikely “monarch” turned up from the backwaters of Dry Mire. Dale, first King of his name (as far as records go) drank half a tankard of the tea and showed not a single sign of being “effected”. Two days later, he was crowned as the God’s chosen King.

An unremarkable reign, no conquest to speak of people could be forgiven for thinking that Dale had either forgotten or was completely unaware of the Empire’s existence. The Kingdom was prosperous during Dale’s reign; this improved a great many areas of life for all. The clearest indicator of the prosperity was the population increased somewhat rapidly during this period.   His third son (and first surviving one) Egar was next in line.

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