Kaladaan King Allard Strongback

King Allard Strongback


There are conflicting time frames around when Allard (Called Strongback in some friendly tribal regions) ascended the throne (another Monarch tea selected King), depending on who by and where the story is told, Allard either ascended in 1226 or 1230.

There are myriad tales (who knows which are true and which are made up) of a four year civil strife, war, disunity and wide spread destruction. However, this does not seem supported by the evidence available in modern times. This was leading up to the time of renewed hostilities with our age old enemies, the traitorous rebels who call themselves “Hadovian Empire”.

Allard's reign was widely considered to be just and noble during very trying times. The Second Succession wars are well underway.

In 1257 he succumbed to injuries sustained in an assasination attempt many months prior. Many believed he willed himself to stay alive until the siege of Pont was resolved - with the Kingdom being victorious, rumours were rife and a fledgling cult has sprung up in Allard's name.

Related Location
The Royal Realm of Geldheim
Related timelines & articles
Geldheim Succession