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The Island of Lilna lies in the centre of the Inner Sea, an ominous counterpart the Continent's diverse and ever-flourishing life. Much of the island is a wasteland, ravaged by unnatural volcanic activity in the distant past, however the abundance of death hides a certain persistent kind of life that clings to the chalk and limestone cliffs on the coastline, the coniferous forests that offer shelter to hardy beasts, and the few lakes that cradle life where death cannot reach.   The grim island of Lilna is the seat of the God of Death. It is in many respects, a place fitting for an aspect that rejects life, though contradictions persist. The island once hosted a mighty volcano, in eons past, and retains vestiges of that fertility in its soil. However, much of the island's territory has been excavated and built over with limestone, mortar, and petrified wood. The dwindling animal population keeps mostly to the mountainside of the long dormant volcano, far away from where most people will tread.   The settlements on Lilna are sparse, but densely populated, and the City of Censers is the island's centre of government. A ringed city built on an ancient barrow mound, the concentric streets, maze-like tunnels, and seemingly endless number of temples to the God of Death make it a very inhospitable place to outsiders.
Alternative Name(s)
Death's Isle
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