
Placed at the southern tip of the great northern mountain ranges, Balmoth is often considered the gateway city between the more fertile and “civilized” south Kalin and the savage and “uncivilized” northern Kalin. Most of the city is placed upon a tall mountain, making it hard to besiege or attack. Despite this the cities outer territories suffer raids from the savage Norsemen tribes of the far north. This led to the Balmoth Crusades a few centuries prior.   Balmoth has had a tumultuous history. Their royal family was wiped out by an ambitious noble who named himself Lord Regent and pinned the blame on the Paladins. This would lead to the Paladin Purge across Kalin.   After the Lord Regents deception was discovered and the Purge ended the city found itself without a leader, and the Paladin order staunchly avoids the city entirely now. While the city was nominally controlled by a “Citizens Council” the city teetered on the edge of disaster every day, with only its strong guard force keeping control of a deteriorating social situation. This led to an increase on unanswered raids by the Norsemen, who no longer fear organized reprisal. The situation came to a head when the Church of the Mantle, based out of the Basilica Maxima in the city, and The Mantle Militant overthrew the Citizen's Council at the behest of the-then High Priest during a demonic incursion.   Since then, the city has been ruled directly by The Church and the new High Priestess, Ilstus Irantha. The city has seen a resurgence under firm (if strict and dogmatic) leadership, and has finally made strides in the last decades at reestablishing its former glory and healing the rift between the city and the Paladin Order.


MThe population is about 75% human, 45% of which is of Norse descent. 10% are Drow, the largest concentration of them outside of Lyath'Or. 5% are Dwarves, who trade a lot of goods in the city. 10% is a mix of other races.


The city is now ruled by the Church of the Mantle, the High Priestess, and The Mantle Militant.


The cities greatest defense is geography, with much of it on sheer cliffs and mountains with only a few carefully created bridges up to the city proper. The army itself has recently been replaced by The Mantle Militant.

Industry & Trade

Much of Balmoths economy is surprisingly agrarian, being a large source of "southern foods" for the kingdom of Holriad to the north and Dwarves who want more exotic foods. So farms are common.


Farms are common, a lot of stone buildings with great hearths for the winter months.


The city of Balmoth has a lot of stone, only behind the Dwarves with how much stone they use. This makes the city very hardy, if a bit drafty. To combat this Balmoth has a large amount of carefully maintained coal and magical furnaces beneath the city to keep the inhabitants warm, on top of large hearths and fireplaces being common.


Balmoth rests on the Southern tip of great mountain ranges, and is built into those mountains. Paths to Balmoth are well paved and cared for, but going even a little off of the main roads is rocky and dangerous.

Natural Resources

Balmoth has a few mines and access to ores, but despite the colder climate most of its resources are in grain and hardy northern plant life.
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization