War of the Torva

Military action

2013 1A - 2077 1A

"An Empire Divided Cannot Stand." -Lord Narrfini

With Corlin's increasing tyranny and the destruction of the Immortal City of Helbrech, along with boiling tensions in the West with Embrel, created a Torva'Ir primed for war. The spark came when the Torva'Wea of the Eastern forests of the Torva'Ne, the original home of the Elves, officially seceded.   Almost overnight fighting broke out. The war began between Embrel/The Torva'Asu and their allied cities, Corlin's loyalist cities, and the Torva'Wea and some cities loyal to them. Further into the war the Drow would join as well under their new queen Xune from their newly refounded and rebuilt city of Lyath'Or.   While nominally the Torva'Wea, Torva'Shal, and Drow were allied at first, it didn't take long for the war to become an all out affair where everyone was in it for themselves. After all, whoever won would determine the fate of the Empire.   What happened instead was that the final battle of the war, the Battle of Caledbar, was so destructive and magically powerful that it utterly annihilated the forces that were fighting over the Torvish capital as well as the capital itself. Three out of the four factional leaders were killed in the battle, as were most of the armies.   With their leaders dead and most of their armies gone most of the Elves in Kalin found themselves in a weakened position, which would soon lead to be their ultimate downfall.