The Shed

The tiny shed built in by Kilan The Stargazer, was a simple structure made to do what he did best: gaze at the stars. Kilan was an astronomer in the aftermath of The Croskin Plague 
and  Devestia
He hired some carpenters to build him a small shed with peep holes that fit his telescopes after he broke his leg climbing down Mount Jerai, where he preferred to stay while watching the stars. Every weekend, he would hike up the mountain and study the stars, sometimes staying there for weeks before coming back. Luckily, when his leg got broken, a hunter found him and carried him the rest of the way down. Miserable without his stars, he came up with the idea of a shed for shelter while he watched the stars until his leg was healed. When he invited a friend over to visit one evening, he allowed him to look at the stars. The next evening, he found three more visitors waiting at his doors, anxious for an opportunity to look at the stars. Mostly it accumulated the interest of the young lads but all sorts of visitors soon appeared. Good naturedly, Kilan set up one of his old telescopes at the peep hole when he went back to his mountain climbing a few weeks later. Popularity bloomed and the shed stayed. Today, it has been refurbished and is a historical sight, but the old telescope still sits at the peep hole where anyone can go look at the stars in the evening.   Kilan went on to design his own telescope and to write his own book about the stars. He was never aware enough of everything around him to notice the popularity of the little shed he’d built. After he put the telescope there, he never thought much of the shed again.

Cover image: by Perchance


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