Anton Stolbov Character in Kaomora | World Anvil

Anton Stolbov

Brief History
Anton grew up as Hisskatch Stolviss, however given the difficulty civilised folk had with his name he commonized it to Anton Stolbov. He always wanted more than the primitive ways of his tribesman. So one night in the dead of winter he left his home of Zangrishi Jungle and pushed north till he eventually found the cart of Theodore Tumblin which took him here to Tobost. He is a fine butcher and game tracker.

Personality in brief description
A jolly soul Anton, enjoys civilised life and while he at times finds aspects of it far too complex. He sleeps in a bed at night with a place known as his own and this keeps him happy.

Their appearance
He is a tall blue skinned lizardfolk, he has long black claws and wears a simple set of tough brown leathers and workers trousers. He elects to not wear shoes as he prefers a firmer feeling under foot. He is allowed to do this on the proviso that he keeps his claws blunted.

What they sound like
He will on occasion hiss, but this is something he is trying to work out. Yet old habits die hard.

What they smell like
He smells of fresh slaughter, iron and an odd fruity perfume.
Current Location
Ruled Locations