Stolbov's fine Slaughter Building / Landmark in Kaomora | World Anvil

Stolbov's fine Slaughter

Brief History
Founded by Anton Stolbov close to 60 seasons ago.

Location description
Located just south of the market, Stolbov's is an oddly proud building. Repaired mostly by the proprietor there is a distinct swampesque feel to the cobbled and crudely created additional weatherboards that are affixed to the existing traditional Tudor structure. A simple sign written as Stolbov's out the front.

What you hear
From within an odd whistle and hiss with the occasional thud as metal carves and eventually connects with a large wooden block.

What smells come from it
The smell from inside is that of fresh slaughter, salt and freshly cut fruit.

What it looks like inside
Inside you see inside old antique display cabinets with slate stone shunted into the bottom of them. Meat displayed like fine jewellery sitting upon it, there is an odd chill as you get closer to each of them some magic seemingly preserving them from a state of decay. Around the walls are poorly drawn pictures.

Who is inside
Anton is there whistling away while slicing some freshly slaughtered venison. An elven women has just finished purchasing some meat and she seems to have left a healthy tip on the counter.
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