Emma Forder Character in Kaomora | World Anvil

Emma Forder


Brief History
Emma was a drifter for most of her early life, her family were a part of a group of travelling merchants, they sold odds and ends and the latest trends. But she noticed the wares they sold were not art but merely the sum of their parts. She was a creator, a thinker and a dreamer. She knew this life would not give her from life what she needed so she bid them farewell and pursued some of the finest painters in Kaomora. Eventually studying under the mentorship of Aeburh a renowned portrait painter before finding their own space here in Tobost

Personality in brief description
She can come across as blunt and almost intrusive. She has a way of feeling emotions ahead of time and therefore feels no reason to shroud her thoughts in pleasantries or cruelties but simply speak to the emotions she absorbs. She admires others with creative spirit and has a natural love of life and adventure even though for now she chooses her paints over anything too dangerous.

Their appearance
She is short for a Kalashtar standing around 5ft 3' and carries her weight well. Hey eyes once a vibrant blue now are cloudy from an accident she rarely speaks of. She wears nice but simple clothes, often seen in a white blouse, blue trousers and a pair of brown brogue shoes. she often has little paint marks on her clothes and wears an apron with many little pockets for her paints and brushes.

What they sound like
A slightly British accent and at times a little whimsical

What they smell like
She smells of freshly ground coffee, crushed flowers and perfume oils.
Current Location
Current Residence
Ruled Locations