Foxtail Arts and Supplies Building / Landmark in Kaomora | World Anvil

Foxtail Arts and Supplies

Brief History
The Foxtail was once the home to many a lude book and overly dramatic "heroic portrait" before Beazel Brushtail met his untimely demise one drunken evening as he was stumbling home from the Silverscale Inn. The Foxtail has now found a new and more refined existence under the watchful eye of Emma Forder a young but talented artist.

Location description
The bright red Fox Tail that dangles from a small sign above the door is a dead give away of the quaint but beautifully kept Foxtail Arts and Supplies. The double story narrow Tudor building sits nestled between three others in the same row. Small planter boxes filled with red and purple flowers adorn the sills of the windows and the burnt orange tiles on the roof give off a warm glow to travellers passing by.

What you hear
You hear very little coming from inside, but the faint singing of one Emma Forder as she paints one of her masterpieces

What smells come from it
The smell of the flowers is a welcoming tickle of the nostrils as you enter the building

What it looks like inside
Inside there are three rows of neatly stacked books that are in colour co-ordinated order and on the other side 5 beautiful art pieces each painted by Emma. The sun pierces through the windows and looking up you see the other floor is more of a mezzanine art studio and resting quarters which allows just enough light in to appreciate the beautiful works on display without too much to fade the wonderful pieces.

Who is inside
An elven couple are looking over one of the paintings, while a gruff older gnomish man seems to be thumbing frustratedly through the books and Emma upstairs painting and leaning over the railing to welcome those who enter.
Kiosk / Small store
Parent Location