Hallborgg Bertzia Character in Kaomora | World Anvil

Hallborgg Bertzia


Brief History
Hallborgg or Hall has been the barkeep at the Blushing Tankard for awhile now, she tolerates the spirits that circulate around the evening environs of Hobachak as they likely frequented the tavern at some stage in their lives. She came here from Hammer Deep in search of a life by the sea and away from the craggy depths that took her father and mother in a mining accident.

Personality in brief description
She is kind and caring, but won't take any shite from patrons especially outsiders.

Their appearance
She has fiery red hair that curls down past her shoulders, she is short and heavy set at the waist with powerful legs. She is a fan of the colour red and often wears a red apron over her general garments, she has a pelt of a mountain wolf that she has over her shoulders, the clasp and collar are distinctly of dwarven make.

What they sound like
Scottish dwarf with a higher octave and sometimes whimsical note, she can sing and patrons often hail on her to do so.

What they smell like
She smells of ale and ocean breeze
Current Location
Ruled Locations
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