Blushing Tankard Building / Landmark in Kaomora | World Anvil

Blushing Tankard

Brief History
The blushing tankard has been a long standing establishment in Hobachak and has been the centre of commerce, trade and social encounters among new and old.

Location description
A rouge red coloured roof, with traditional Tudor panelled walls, a tankard in copper is affixed to the welcoming double doored entry way. The warm fire light glows from the lead light windows and small collections of Hippos Blubber collect around the posts outside.

What you hear
Inside you hear the joyous bellows of a melodic baritone voice, the scuffle of feet and clanging of tankards.

What smells come from it
A sweet aroma of hearty food and ale wafts from within

What it looks like inside
Inside is a hardwood floor with many years of stains and cracks across it, a hearth in the corner and a series of 3 long tables through the centre for communal eating. The bar at the back has the head of an alpha wolf mounted above it and rows of mismatched glassware behind.

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