Louis Celer Character in Kaomora | World Anvil

Louis Celer


Brief History
Louis lived most his life in Sweet Water before deciding to expand his culinary horizons and head further north to the settlement of Tobost it is here he is the head chef and proprietor of the Silverscale Inn a bustling new establishment in the centre of town.

Personality in brief description
He is a smooth operator with a burning passion for good food. He spends most of his time in the kitchen now, but enjoys the opportunity to jump behind the bar and talk to local adventurers about their travels.

Their appearance
He is short even for halfling standards, but his very voluminous hair sits his at a strong 4ft 6', he is slim, toned and muscular from spending most of his days in the kitchen and while the cooking is hearty he prefers a cleaner diet. He has chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes, a fair complexion and is often wearing a short white vest with many pockets filled with spices and magical cooking utensils, aqua pantaloons, a pair of finely tailored brown leather boots and a large cook book that is strapped to his belt.

What they sound like
A very casual and confident talker, he is happy to speak with any and all who cast a shadow upon his doorstep.

What they smell like
He smells of spices, seafood and fine flowers
Current Location
Current Residence
Ruled Locations