Silverscale Inn Building / Landmark in Kaomora | World Anvil

Silverscale Inn

Brief History
The Silverscale Inn was founded by a young Halfling man Louis Celer it is a recent addition to the streets of Tobost but a welcome one, with many a merchant, missionary, marine and mercenary knocking back a few ales and enjoying the fine food and reasonable prices on offer.

Location description
The Silverscale Inn is immediately recognisable from the polished pewter sign in that's in the shape of a White Bellied Iron Snout - the three storey tudor style building sits nestled in the middle of town, there are still visible signs of disrepair. But with each passing month a new patch, fresh set of tiles or crack has been filled and slowly this grand old dame of a building is being brought back to life under the watchful eye of it's owner.

What you hear
A bustling crowd is often hard from within the main dining hall, a crackling fire and a passing minstrel striking a cord.

What smells come from it
An amazing fusion of famous Sweet Water style fried food and a blend of more hearty root heavy soups and stews waft from the kitchen.

What it looks like inside
Inside you can see many tables some new, some old and some gathered from other places. The walls are plastered in an off white and show signs of age and cracking, the floor is covered with large long pelts and woollen rugs, towards the rear of the building is a big double sided fireplace and a small stand for performers to bellow their ballads from and next to that is a long counter, with many many mismatched tankards, mugs and glasses and the proprietor and his matron darting back and forth between the customers.

Who is inside
Most of Tobost find this place home even if for an hour or so a few times a week, you can find most people of the town here on any given day, as what it lacks in uniformity it more than makes up for with a great atmosphere and wonderful food.
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