Sarah Wahjudi Character in Kaomora | World Anvil

Sarah Wahjudi

Nana (a.k.a. Granny Wahjudi, The Barron of Brambles)

No one dare asks

Brief History
Granny Wahjudi as she prefers to be called has been a part of the Tobost fabric for as long as the settlement has been in existence. She is called on when no other solution seems possible, her prices are steep and her methods are

Personality in brief description
A short tempered, cursing old woman, Granny has little time for those who mince their words or know not who they're dealing with. You are just as likely to cop a curse than a cure for whatever is troubling you, if you're not clear speaking and courteous towards Granny. However that being said she has an odd fondness for strong and bold people and finds children sickeningly irritating to be around.

Their appearance
She stands an impressive 7ft 3', she is stocky and has many many wrinkles and beady black eyes.
She has an odd affliction for the colour violet, her hair is white with a tinge of violet, her old mottled dress is a deep violet and if you look too closely it looks like a stitching of faces each frozen in a horrific gaze and her gloves and boots are both black with an odd violet sheen. The only thing not Violet in her appearance is her ashen white skin and her deep blood red glasses.

What they sound like
Her voice crackles from time to time but you dare not ask her to repeat herself.

What they smell like
She smells just the same as the shop she spends most of her day in, pungent and belly achingly awful
Current Location
Current Residence
Ruled Locations