Wahjudi's Witchery Building / Landmark in Kaomora | World Anvil

Wahjudi's Witchery

Brief History
Be you a fool who brings gold through her unhallowed doors, this twisted old building at the end of the Makers Lane, is home to the oldest resident in Tobost. It is also home to many a rare magical item, cursed contraption and many many books of many many deals.

Location description
A single story building fashioned from old cobbled stones, mud with a wiry thatched roof that looks in dire need of repairs. There are two small circular windows that frame a crooked old oak door and from within a dull amber glow of a fire.

What you hear
The occasional mutter and chuckle, a hiss and bubble of a cauldron and an odd scratching sound

What smells come from it
A horrid smell of decay, moss and sulphur stings the nostrils well before you enter. The fumes from inside are hard to stomach even for the bravest adventurer

What it looks like inside
Inside is an oddity to behold, the room appears oddly larger, but still circular in shape. Shelves extend around the room but as your eye travels around it is hard to follow one the whole way around, on the shelves themselves are baubles, trinkets, small cages, books and all assortments of odd and strange things, crystalized hens feet, a wedding ring on a still squirming finger and a small painting that blinks as it looks back at you just to name a few.

Who is inside
The only one bold enough to set foot in this store is the owner herself Sarah Wahjudi aka Granny Witch or Granny Wahjudi
Parent Location