Senia Sapphire Character in Kaomora | World Anvil

Senia Sapphire

Sea Elf
Brief History
Senia came from the Sunken City of Atarei and swam around the western boarder of Kaomora before tracking north to Tobost. She always had a fascination with the Loch however given her beauty and lack of worldly possessions she soon became reliant on her income from the Wandering Woman

Personality in brief description
She is a soft and timid soul, warm and inviting and non-combative.

Their appearance
Tall, with fair blue skin, dazzling green eyes and a long thick plat of white hair. She wears simple brown robes of a peasant to signify her station.

What they sound like
She may stutter and speaks very very softly.

What they smell like
She smells of sea brine, lilies and rose oil.
Current Location