Wayward Woman Building / Landmark in Kaomora | World Anvil

Wayward Woman

Brief History
The original tales are told of a noble widow who would go around courting weary working class men before bringing them back to her central manor in town. A wild night would take place before an incredible headache and loss of all worldly possessions the next day or so the stories say.

Location description
It appears as a large double unassuming structure at the end of an alley in the centre of town. It's traditional plaster over wooden exterior extends over two floors and faint candle light can be seen flickering in the windows. Not a fuss or frivolity seemingly being had in sight.

What you hear
Only once you press your ear to the door or windows do you hear a soft jazzy tune, chuckles of laughter and the occasional bellowing roar. Beyond this not a whisper is heard.

What smells come from it
A smell of strong wine, sweet perfume and soft skin.

What it looks like inside
You'll have to enter to find out.

Who is inside
You'll have to enter to find out.
Parent Location
Characters in Location