Session 16 Report in Kaomora | World Anvil

Session 16

General Summary

The party completed their scuffle with the bandits, realising that the captain they'd met at Yagriz' Bar was trying to collect a bounty for Claude the bounty came in the form of a written note The Collectors - Bounty Hunters Note, The only further information that the adventurers were able to obtain was that the contact was known as Sitka and that the arranged meeting point was at Wyrmbone Outpost.It is signed off with a blessing from Malar, god of the hunt

A large creature flies overhead 500ft above the party before pooping and then leaving, the party hide and take cover until it's gone. They quickly make their way back to their horses after collecting a few trinkets off the corpses of the fallen.

The horses remain where they left them, tied to the trees. All except for Nyctaeus who had chewed through his rope, demonstrating his loyalty that he will not flee but does not need to be bound.
Harelmain bolts and then Amberjack follows, unfortunately she wanted privacy to poop, Amberjack startles the horse and he gets sprayed in dung. Velouria prestidigitates it off him. He bows though her back is turned.

Velouria discovers that Nyctaeus is found to enjoy pats and scratches quite a lot. The party decide that it would be best to take a bit of a short rest and Dorian sings a beautiful song for everyone. Looking back to the road Posey and Boret have an argument over an apple, Boret refusing to move unless fed, Posey refusing to feed unless Boret moves. The stalemate goes on for about 10 minutes before eventually a hoof is trod and an apple is given.
Dorian sings again a beautifully song to Petro to calm him down so he doesn't bolt as fast as he can and the Altis is fed some flowers from Calista despite the warnings of gas.

The party venture on and the path forks up into the forest or down to the sand, the party elect to ride along the beach and with the expert navigation of Amberjack avoid being slowed down or kicking sand up in each others faces.

Posey spots a cliff face with holes across it, in the holes are dancing lights she and Dorian proceed cautiously up to the holes and attempt to communicate with these spirits, find the spirits dancing within the side of the cliff, they are blue, purple and a lighter orange colour.
They say to Look for the Ruby in the sand and that they will meet back with them at nightfall.
The party proceed along before Amberjack spots a glimmer of red light that is wedged in the shore. It looks like a spider pendant with three large rubies in it, Velouria discerns that this is a pendant to Lolth, the Spider Queen who is the sworn enemy of Corellon, the Arch Heart a religious order that Velouria knows of.

As the party make their way off the beach and a little further inland to make camp, Amberjack tries to sing to his bird, but the song is so bad that the bird tries to fly away. Though the words were encouraging for him to try and fly the bird finds its wings either way and he is encouraged by his ability to fly and feels closer to Amberjack because of it.

@Dorian cops a hit on the head from a rock that seemingly appears from nowhere and the party immediately take defensive actions.

As the fight rages on they realise that rather than causing harm, the enemies seem more interested in playing jokes on them.

They spot one of them in a tree and call for a parlay, realising that they don't speak Common but rather a dialect of Sylvan. Dorian and Amberjack engage in conversation, in a tongue that the party equates to a type writer eating tin foil being kicked down a flight of stairs.
The soon realise they mean no true harm and are really just interested in going home or causing practical jokes on everyone.
The party refuse to aid them and certainly won't be parting with the Glass Staff that Posey has and tell them to be on their way. Just before they leave they give one final spray of grease to Velouria and her and Posey fall to the ground, this stirs emotions within Dorian that he can't control and his eyes widen and his mind is filled with fantasies, he remains quite for the balance of the duration up to the camp site. The Boggles however seem deflated and make their way through their portal gates, Amberjack maintaining his hunters mark to make sure they have left.

The party find a nice campsite and begin to set up camp, Dorian opting to make the tents while Calista starts to fell a near by tree, after doing so she realises that dry timber is needed and proceeds to turn the log in to a nice place to sit for the evening instead. Velouria opts to help with no chores rather decides that waiting to cast firebolt once the wood has been collected is her best option. Posey and Amberjack go off to scavenge. Amberjack finds some Slumber Berries and Brown Stools while Posey is able to collect enough kindling and small timber for the fire.

After camp is made Amberjack approaches Calista and asks if she is able to make a flute for him to play, he pays for her time as he recalls that artists should always be paid for their work and offers her 15gold for the creation, which she gladly accepts. She gets to work and creates a beautifully carved wooden flute for Amberjack complete with Otter inlay. Dorian gives Velouria a massage after Velouria notices the attentions of Dorian earlier and they sit down to a very hearty Gumbo cooked by Amberjack, filled with Brown Stools, Slumber Berries and good clams. Over the meal the party begin to open up to each other a little more, Amberjack reveals that he has no siblings, while Calista recounts of her 6 sisters as well as Claude. Posey takes this time to reveal to the party that she has had a dream, a dream with Avanteris in it and that she gave her the cube, the same cube that provided her with the staff that she carries.

Velouria feels angered and betrayed and storms off to Nyctaeus for comfort as she asks him question, she hears the familiar voice of Jeritza respond to her and reassures her that she is with the right people and that they will be the best to aid her.
She returns to the group and immediately to her tent for rest.
The party are again visited by the wisps and they start to dance around Dorian, They speak in riddles and twisted secrets but eventually Dorian agrees to aid them. He follows them down to the shore and for a flickering moment he sees spectral buildings and festoon lighting that coils towards a well and then in a flash it is gone. He looks back to see the rest of the party peering from behind a tree looking directly at him. They discuss these events for awhile and then decide to bed down for the evening.

As they bed down for the night and Amberjack takes first watch, noticing rustling coming from the trees he spots the return of the boggles. They again ask for the staff but the party decline, they divulge their plight further. That their saviour Kahrazoon known by a few other names also but his main gripe is with Zaelix who seems to be ruining the Shadowfel, well that is according to these boggles of course. They know of Avanteris and thought she was sexy, however on reflection only have heard of her and that she has had dealings with The Raven Queen, Matron of Death.
the boggles also do not want to go to Quarry Quay because in the Shadowfel that is home to a nightwalker and they think it is quite scary. They know nothing of The Golden Phoenix however they do know of the Shadow Phoenix or night Phoenix, but nothing further that was asked of this.

As the party finally are able to get to rest Calista requests a book from Posey and of the stories that Posey has, she gives Calista a book on Nina the half Orc Wizard. Drifting back to sleep Calista quickly stokes the fire to keep the warmth for Amberjack, the soft wisps of smoke drift in to the nights sky and a large shadowy figure returns to the sky. With a rumbling thud you feel the impact of two large feet crash behind Posey's tent. Looking back you see the form of a large winged beast with 4 arms and two legs, and a long slick of black hair.

Till next week <3 you all very much.

Rewards Granted

Spellbook worth 50gp to Amberjack
Painted folded card to Dorian
Vial of Kameleon Dust to Dorian & Calista
Report Date
20 Sep 2020