Session 9 Report in Kaomora | World Anvil

Session 9

General Summary

You awoke the shrill screams of Posey at around 3am. A few of you able to rise from heavy sleep. After a brief exchange Calista started to have a thoughts of improvements for Bug and began work immediately, some hours went by not for any reason other than Claude not sitting still and her work was finished, a new body for Claude a more humanoid shape and the pet plushy he held so tight animated into a small Pseudodragon that seemed to follow Claude's every movement.

Amberjack up from his trance chose to sneak away to the chambers of Gordala Kelpkeep seeking answers on lost loved one, finding the mirror he also found her Labyrinth Rug designed to stop would be snoops from walking through her chamber. Captured within and hearing ominous guttural groans coming from further within, he tried to escape via a nifty use of his immovable rod and some rope. Climbing up he saw many many paths each winding and intersecting with each other, choosing to leave the infinite path he seemed to be stuck in he found the lapping shores of water. He swam for a solid 20-30 minutes to discover a small island and a disgruntled Gordala Kelpkeep at the other end of it. Making his way to her private sleeping quarters.

A conversation took place and a the mirror was retained by Amberjack but with specific limitations to it.

Posey was too seeking answers from the past, reading through the archives she found the date Posey was adopted into the Order and the Orphanage. But no dates related to another name she was seeking.
Posey then decided to read up on the aquatic dwellers around Port Marguerite - noted down a few of significance but majorly an Elder Bronze Dragon named Shabarirus
Velouria spent her time in the library reading up on Mumphris Depoilt and his crockery business that once stood where the store Merm is now placed. Noted that Merm is owned by ‌ Lord Laurent Ghastalt and the serving ware of Depoilt was famous for being delicate and usually had gold leaf on them
The party begin to discuss the evenings events with Gordala and discover that Zaelix the devil is wrapped up in Velourias past, however they also found out that another figure of Velourias had recently visited Port Marguerite a man by the name of Seteth. During your conversation you saw Num Nums being attended to a Goliath Woman who was heavily tattooed, revealed later to be Shay. Shay you now realise to be a changeling.

As she looked up to see Gordala holding the black book and recalling certain facts. She quickly ran to the steamworks - seemingly knowing exactly where the body of one Archivist Tobire Gotzwynn would be. Bringing the corpse back up to the surface and in deep sorrow, the party aided her in bringing her old friend back to Gordala.

Her words to the effect of I knew he had been acting strangely the last few weeks. Last I remember he was working on something in the old archives to do with historical inventions and he seemed so excited, I asked him of it but days later and he couldn't recall a thing. I knew something was a miss from then.

Through the use of Commune with Dead they were able to unlock a few secrets of Tobires last moments. He was tricked by Zaelix and promised great knowledge. He had learnt that Zaelix was interested in the Shadowfel and bringing shadows to Kaomora again, He spoke of an old order and a necromancer named Kahrazoon who sat on the first council of mages in Kaomora, as well as a project discovered to be the works of one Olistar Copenski one of his three marvels (creations determined noteworthy for those who lived in The Kurioso Heights.

Further discussions of Zaelix reveal him to be a Titivilus born from the first clergy's of Ioun to mispronounce certain readings from their sacred texts.
That the order had put "measures in place" to make sure the shadowfel didn't creep too closely to Kaomora
Gordala through the use of some powerful magic was able to reveal a probably meeting he is to have in the future, how far you do not know but the events will occur. He is to meet a pale skinned woman in a desert location. The lady was named Avanteris and the location had a large sail across the front of the building with a phoenix emblem on it.

The party get to the chambers of The Shifting Sands (Shay's Extensis Court) - discovering she has a pixie among her court named Velepo, a gruff and rather standoffish Pixie at that. Speaking further with Shay after this she was able to show you to Catrella and how she had the same marking, a branding that comes from a harem owned by an organisation known as Golden Phoenix. The Pirates who she was given to continually prattled on about the restoration and rebirth that was offered to those who followed this organisation.

The location of this Harem is in The Red Mesa a fairly lawless area. The only person they know who travels this path is Theodore Tumblin the caravan man. Shay also mentioned another gentlemen named Garpent the Vile a slaver whose bandits often patrol the deserts looking for the stray, the foolish or the poor to trade in the Mesa as slaves, a man Catrella seemed to know quiet well, but not was not fond of.

The party leave Posey to speak briefly with Shay. You also learn if you wish to travel long distances you may consider horseback and a stop at The Cavalier could be an option.

All caught up you decide to go to The wailing lady Inn to meet with Vestern and Yigraz Posey does caution Velouria about Vesterns virility and sexual health. Getting to the Tavern you see it is locked no one is inside - the place does seem to have survived the night unscathed, but nobody was about. Walking through the square Posey quickly drops off a letter at the Post Master and pays the extra 5gp to ensure that the letter gets there within 3 days.

You stop off at Sephrins Silken Tailors to pick up your garments and also deliver the exact measurements for Num Nums for his new comfortable pants.

Getting your new and very nice looking garments - you walk out with pride, all of you bar Posey who immediately puts her ill fitting robes on over the top of the new clothes.
You make your way to drays, through the residential district and notice that there is one of the Loxel guard dead near his front door, you see a bloody trail heading inside. You peep through the window to see the bloody remains of one Drayen "Dray" Kodergh as his guts lay torn on the outside of his body. Three beasts of the shadow asleep near his corpse. You make quick work of the beasts destroying them angrily as they have taken one of your true friends you made here in Port Marguerite. You notice that Dray had made a parting gift for you, as he predicted due to your busy schedule that you may well be off soon. He made you each a Jumper with your names and a symbol of his love on the front of it and left you a letter as below.

The party stricken with sorrow frantically think of ways they could potentially bring their dear friend back - they recall a dragon who loves to trade, he resides under Port Marguerite. Given the many dead and the general incredible wealth the city has Diamonds of value may be very hard to come by.
Report Date
18 Aug 2020