Tasha St Rose Character in Kaomora | World Anvil

Tasha St Rose


Brief History
Tasha was the oldest of the St Rose family, one of six girls. Her father was a nobleman to Tobost but with no sons to be his heir he was driven mad and left one night without ever returning. Tasha knew when to step up and became the matriarch of the family, her mother too sick and frail to raise the rest of the children. Tasha heads the local towns guard and works closely with Conor McCambridge to make sure law and order is kept within the city. She is also mighty interested in any rumours of Jeremy St Rose her father, should any have heard his name.

Personality in brief description
She is stern but caring to those less fortunate, a quality that her and Conor both share. She commands respect among her peers but broadly is well liked by the townsfolk. Some still refer to her as Lady St Rose yet she prefers Tasha.

Their appearance
She is tall standing at 6ft 3' slender of build but very muscular, she wields a mighty great sword that is always perfectly polished, she has short brown hair, fair skin and greenish purple eyes. She wears a green tabard with a black rose on it - her families crest, and under that is her finely made chainmail armour that was a gift from the local blacksmith.

What they sound like
She has a light british accent and speaks with authority.

What they smell like
She smells of earth, freshly chopped wood and roses.
Current Location