Conor McCambridge Character in Kaomora | World Anvil

Conor McCambridge


Brief History
Conor was once a high ranking member of Force Ice Fang, he was known as one of the toughest fighters in the snowy tundra. It is rumoured he was the only survivor of a scouting party who were sent on a mission past Hammer Deep in search for an ancient white dragon. He left his town of Beuluge to become part of the town guard in Tobost. Is he in hiding or is he just looking for a simpler life? Maybe a stiff drink or an act of strength could find an answer.
In his spare time he can be found trapping and hunting with Riley Edmonstone - they have a small side business selling pelts and furs.

Personality in brief description
He is quite reserved and rarely mutters more than a few sentences at a pinch. He respects those who can hold their own and will actively hunt any who try and prey on the weak.

Their appearance
He stands around 5ft 8' with ruddy brown hair, fair complexation, green eyes and leathery weathered skin. He has a stocky build and is most often seen wearing a set of battle tested plate armour. Armour that wears the many scars of many battles. A Crest of Force Ice Fang sits beneath a red cloth that is tied around his left pauldron. He has two hand axes and a great axe across his back.

What they sound like
He has a slight Scottish accent from his time in the North

What they smell like
He smells of crushed salts, bacon and hard work
Current Location