02 - Shell Sheath


By processing and treating the horned crab shells the Eiyudi have invented a process that creates a lightweight and puncture-resistant coating that can be useful in countless ways. The process isn't simple and requires multiple steps that take days to complete before the sheathing is usable but since the thin layers of sheathing are easy to store in large quantities and the materials are readily available all year.
In many cultures there is usually at least one metaphysical practice and most have several. A holy person or order of persons who can perform miracles or a circle of elders that can communicate with the elements of the land, all tapping into what modern Allegrans call 'arcana'. The Eiudi have none. Prior to crashing on the Allegran coast their knowledge lacked any metaphysical understanding and the concept of religion is still confusing to them since their interactions with other humans have been incredibly limited.
Various observations were obvious to the original refugees when they witnessed the first storms to roll over of the Dark Coast and the subsequent deposit of horned crabs along the nearby coastline. Firstly the crabs were food. After that the carapaces were fashioned into basic protective gear and tools. It was noted that individuals wearing the shells seemed to be targeted by the elements of the storm, especially lightning, much less often than other living targets. Tests quickly showed that they had a natural aura that repelled the unnatural lightning very effectively.
With so much of the material available it was easy to experiment on and over the centuries, as their culture continues to re-examine and refine their tools and methods, they've discovered several more uses and processes that have changed the daily lives of the Eiyudi people; the most significant being the process to make the sheathing.


Since the development of the sheathing the Eiyudi are losing fewer and fewer lives in the defense of their homes and during dangerous raids into the storms to collect food and other supplies. The ability to make something thin and lightweight virtually puncture-proof has allowed the creative cavedwellers to craft some unique traps and defenses around their settlements, not to mention the applications seen during their festivals and public celebrations.
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Aug 18, 2024 18:51 by Cassie Storyweaver

I'm always a sucker for stories of discovery and innovation. The links in the sidebar contribute to the article; even if I don't follow the links, they give me hints at further applications of the horned crab shell. Two suggestions for follow-up drafts. - work on tightening up the prose - for example, the second paragraph seems unrelated to the rest of the article. Perhaps it belongs in a footnote or sidebar?

  • to engage the reader more, perhaps add a quote or very short story (like one paragraph or less) illustration the importance of the material.
  • Hope this is helpful to you! And Congrats on reaching Diamond! You crushed it!!

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