08 - Thermo-shelling


Of the many unique and unexplainable characteristics the Eiyudi have discovered and adapted from the Portrood horned crabs, the shell sheathing process has completely revolutionized the lives of the coastal culture. Being able to easily make nearly any hand-held or worn object both non-conductive and highly resistant to being punctured is impressive but the list of variations and alternate effects continues to grow. Many of these permutations have been discovered by accident or lucky happenstance however the process of thermo-shelling was carefully pursued not only as a means of potential protection for tiderunners and other Eiyudi but also with interest towards mitigating their day-to-day dependence on the ocean for their primary food source.
Many Eiyudi families have small basins or tubs in their homes where they keep a small collection of live crabs for food. Even on the days when the Storm subsides for a few hours and the tide is out, the coast can be dangerous. Until the thermo-shelling process was discovered the Eiyudi were limited in how much fresh food they could maintain without putting their people in considerable danger. With the alterations to the basic shell sheathing process, thermo-shelling enhances the natural cold resistence of the hermit crabs and allows the person applying the coating to choose whether the nearly-invisible coathing will chill or warm the object it is being appied to. It can be used to line the inside of a container to keep the interior cold or inversely on the outside of the container to radiate cold.
Incredibly useful, thermo-shelling isn't as versatile as some other variations on shell sheathing, including the original technique of shell sheathing. There is almost always a stockpile of sheets available in town should the need arise as the town and Captain have prioritized having as much and as many varieties of shell sheath available should a sudden need arise.
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