03 - Captain Keesh Orim

First Captain, Scion of all Eiyudi

A legendary leader who succumbed to the kind of corruption that changes you into something wholly unrecognizable.
The man born to lead the first generation of Eiyudi refugees came from a modest home on the ancient coast of the old continent. He was raised to be a fisher like his parents and two older siblings. Keesh had no natural gift for sailing but his training and experience from a young age still shaped him into a very competent sailor.
Keesh had a very typical upbringing among the ancient culture, living in a small home with four generations of his family and caring for each other and the surrounding community. He was practically raise on the deck of his family's ship, where his entire family would usually joing them on the ocean while his able-bodied family members would work the nets and haul fish.
The ship itself was an old cog ship that had been in his family for multiple generations and had was altered in the popular modern way to create a sheltered area on the front deck to provide a covered space where younger family members, and their caretakers, could rest and stay cool during the hot summer seasons on the open ocean.
Customizing your familial ship was quite common during this period and it was a tradition among the sailing families to give the family ship an update when the former passes leadership to the next generation of family sailor. The command of the family ship will go to the eldest capable child among eldest siblings, of which there were many ahead of Keesh that would take leadership roles on his family ship.
Among his aunts and uncles and their grown children and his own older siblings, Keesh wasn't the best fisher or sailor and was often relegated to jobs that involved the practical tasks of maintaining the ship and cleaning the fish for processing when they returned to the dock.
Best known among their neighbours for his 'aggressive likability', Keesh There seemed to be no person immune to his abilty to charm with a few honeyed words.
  • Childhood, spent easily 50% of his time on the family cog
  • Teens, often took care of younger cousins on the deck of the ship while the adults handled the sailing and fishing nets
  • Young Adult, joins the manditory cultural navy where he learns to sail several different kinds of ship and how they're built, maintained, and manned.
  • 20-30 y/o, the metaphysical pollution of the new *technology* they had developed by misusing vusinium have begun and civil upheaval was beginning among the older community of captains
  • Escaping destruction, one of the only *mostly* intact family units to survive crossing the ocean.
  • Surviving on the coast, it took a few years before he realized the Eiyudi culture and people were dissolving and needed a reason to become a community again.
  • 40-50 y/o, Keesh prepares to pass the title of Captain to someone new and begins to take ambitious steps towards ensuring the Eiyudi will be safe from the Storm in their new underground domain.
  • In his 50's Keesh retires as a public figure and leader to allow a new Captain to take command of their crew and lead the Eiyudi. His mental state deteriorates and his wife begins caring for him. Several months later the Orim family lets the community know that Captain Keesh passed away peacefully at home in his bed.

  Secret Life Events
These life events are not common knowledge among the Eiyudi and would change the narrative of this legendary folkhero. Arivid Khallupi is likely the only living person to know all of this information.
  • Although his passing was not a falsehood, it was kept secret that after death Orim continued to remain awake and coherent. Nothing like this was known to the family and they chose to keep it secret.
  • Physically dead, Keesh's body began to deteriorate naturally and without a metabolism he lost his sense of sight and ability to speak within a few days of his death.
  • Not knowing how to resolve this strange occurance, his family took his remains from the home and wandered deep into the unexplored coastal caverns. They discovered an alcove that had a shockingly beautiful view of the shoreline and carved a shallow hole in the cavern floor where they had a small funeral for their beloved Captain and burned his body to ash in the hope that it would set him free of any pain he might still have felt after his death.
  • This didn't destroy him. Unknown to anyone, the Necromantic energy that somehow sustained his conscousness after death also caused a limited form of regeneration.
  • Arivid has used his spoiled, corrupted body as a sort of scrying pool that even Arivid doesn't fully understand. Only recently he became aware that the 'pool' has its own consciousness and has begun exploring what that means for the images and knowledge he's gleaned from the lumpy pool of organic material.

black/dark green
Black, short cropped, curly
Character Portrait image: by Michael Thomas


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