Arivid Noslepums

Iconic wanderer, monk, and storyteller

This plump old man sat cross-legged on a cushion that looks ready to burst under the pressure of his massive body. There are a few wiry grey hairs mixed in with his otherwise inky black mop that's rolled into a ball on the top of his head. His eyes were closed, likely in morning meditation. His sagging chest rests directly on his round belly even and in-turn his belly seemed to pour out and hid most of his lap. Even now while he reclines, leaning against the wall next to the pale green seaweed curtain that serves as a door to his home. His smooth, khaki coloured skin transformed into an intricate pattern of crows-feet and laugh-lines as he opens his eyes and grins with pleasure when he realizes its you!
Arivid has been a respected elder and community leader in Podrost for as long as anyone can recall. He is a staunch and effective leader who seems to know more about the Eiyudi people and their origin than anyone else. How he aquired this knowledge is unknown but his creativity and unique thinking have brought some surprising quality-of-life improvements to area surrounding their largest town.
Several decades ago Arivid began observing the ocean and due to proximity, the Storm, too. Almost daily Arivid makes the hour-long walk to the coast from the heart of Podrost town and spends his days as close to the ocean as safety allows. At first he'd sit and watch the ocean alone for hours. Those who noticed assumed he was lonely or maybe hoped to glean some new insight from watching the turbulent ocean.
As the years went on he developed a reputation in town as level-headed and practical. He loved helping the town prosper and even the Captain occassionally sought his advise on various matters. By now he had also established his own little 'shrine' that overlooked the nearest stretch of coastline where he spends hours meditating and watching the ocean, sky, and Storm.
Recently Arivid has begun accepting 'pilgrims' who find him in his demense. These young Eiyudi are of similar temperment as Arivid and loathe the perpetual darkness of living underground but otherwise have each their own reasons for spending so much time away from the wider Eyuidi community. Arivid asks nothing of them except that they treat the site as though it were prescious and honour his purpose for establishing a peaceful refuge for contemplation and learning.
Arivid is also well known for his knowledge of ancient Eiyudi tales and myths. He is a very soft-spoken person however if someone asks him for a story he transforms from a serene and statue-like to animated and expressive. He loves the 'old stories' and shares them whenever he has the chance.
Arivid is hundreds, if not thousands of years old. He has no living relative and has completely lost track of the years, decades, and centuries. His memory is amazing but he's started to forget things due to the sheer length of his memory.
Initially during his meditations he would spend the time thinking about his life before the Storm, trying to figure out how he arrived here centuries ago and why he hasn't aged the way his people normally do and has many vague memories of the Eiyudi people before the Storm destroyed their homeland. He knows he's different than the people around him but not exactly how or why.



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