03 - Guzelth WIP

Waking Psychic Demo'rai

You are immobilized and surounded by darkness so deep you aren't certain whether your eyes are open or you've gone blind. From the endless dark surrounding you in every direction you hear a vague clamor from the depths, shouting muffled by distance, and the creak of wood straining. A brilliant flash of light stabs your eyes and suddenly you can see and are simultaneously blinded. The spots of light clear quickly and you're challenged by a shockingly youthful soul overflowing with thunder and anguish.
Five cold eyes stare at you with howling fury and another clamor of sounds, thunder striking the mast of a ship and the repeating clang of metal on metal, all rushing from its cramped mouth in an expression of rage and frustration. It's like no person you've ever conceived of but the way it's eyes look at you, it somehow knows you. Flickering, flowing arcs of violet electricity course over the thick circle of black chain it wears as a crown upon its bald head, electricity you can also see as the creature dashes forward on two legs but not like a person should, its shadowy body mingling with the darkness surrounding you as it quickly draws near. You realize this baffling creature was both much further away and much larger than it first seemed.
Not that it's any concern to you. You're no longer that person floating in the void. You can see them, though. Guzelth is there too, and everyones eyes have purple lightning.

Personality Characteristics


One of the Demo'rai known to Allegran scholars, Guzleth has never been known to walk the surface of the continent. Hundreds of years ago Guzleth was disturbed by a distant, psychic pain that pierced their slumber and awoke the immensely powerful being into a form of dream-like semi-consciousness. Awake for the first time, Guzleth began to seek out the source of their pain and end it. Sadly, this means killing every sentient creature that can understand mental anguish.
  Eiyudi Connection
During the Broken Chain Catastrophe millions of people were killed due to the reckless choices of a few individuals. The horrific suffering and subsequent deaths in addition to the unmitigated destruction produced by the Storm itself created a psychic shockwave so intense that the 'god' of Mind and Thought was literally awoken from what could've been an eternal sleep. Angry and in pain, Guzleth has begun to 'rise' from their semi-corporial, semi-conscious state and the effects are starting to be discovered by the Eiyudi deep below the surface of Allegri.
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