Narrows Trading Guild Organization in Kapisi | World Anvil
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Narrows Trading Guild

"If you want to conduct Travel in the Narrows of the Western Isles you are wise to hire an associate of the Narrows Trading Guild."

A good advice though a bit misleading, for the Narrows Trading Guild is not only a Merchant Guild, but also known for some of its Members who are specializing in the "liberation" of goods and Hunting of Whales and Whalers alike. As an alliance of most merchants who do business in the Narrow Ocean, they use ruthless business strategies against uncooperative parties. Though they are no Country they wield more power than some Kingdoms and might even Control the Fates of some. They have no nominal seat though most of its Organisational Structure is centered in the Town of Collport. Struggling to maintain control of the City the Diocese of Gothian is trying to usurp the leadership of the Guild.

Public Agenda

The Guild is driven by the conduct of seamanship and the connected traits. They see themselves as the Rulers and Custodians of the Narrows.


Hundreds of Merchant and Pirate Vessels, the Wealth of each Member and the most skilled Sailors and Captains in the Narrows
Guild, Merchant
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations
Organization Vehicles

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